Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Welcome to "The Jets Curse"

Greetings, and welcome.

What's this all about, you ask? The New York Jets are CURSED? Am I cursed if I root for them?

I don't know. But what I do know is this...

In 1969 the New York Jets won the Superbowl for the first time. It's 2009. FORTY YEARS have passed without them winning a second championship. Without them even BEING in the Superbowl. And I'm sick of it.

My name's Mark Williamson and I'm a life-long Jets fan thanks to my Dad, who got hooked on Namath's greatness. My brothers and I were kids in the 80's when the Jets fielded some amazing players and gave us repeated hopes for the ultimate prize...the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

Richard Todd. Ken O'Brien. Freeman McNeil. Wesley Walker. Al Toon. The New York Sack Exchange.

Amazing teams and players have been fielded since. Testaverde (which is NOT Italian for "interception"). Curtis Martin. And my favorite (as I played a lot of wide receiver in my suburban NERF football days), Wayne Chrebet.

Even last year's team was mentioned in the same sentence as the word "Superbowl". (Thanks commentator Chris Collinsworth for jinxing us.)

My whole life the Jets have given me REASON to hope. And they've failed. Every year for forty years, thirty-six of them in my lifetime. And they've not just failed, but usually in spectacular fashion, at the last second, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

I talked to a New Orleans Saints fan years ago about which of us had it worse. He said he did cause the Saints sucked his whole life. I said he's got it EASY. It's easy to root for a team that sucks, cause you never expect anything.

The Jets give you HOPE they'll win, with no reasons NOT to win, and they blow it. BUT THEN COME BACK IN THE LAST SECOND! And then blow it. THAT'S worse.

He agreed.

So here we are. Forty years since Joe Namath became our team's greatest hero and world champion. Forty years! I'm ready to experience a championship. Ready for our next great hero. For more Jet jerseys and coaches sweaters to join Namath's, Klecko's, Maynard's and Weeb's in retirement on the wall of the stadium. FOR VICTORY! CRUSHING, CONVINCING, COMPLETE JET VICTORY AND THE SUPERBOWL TROPHY DRAPED IN GREEN AND WHITE!

Heck, the dang Carolina Panthers have been to the Superbowl and three NFC championship games, one MORE than us, and they've only been around since 95'! What gives? And saying, "But we're undefeated in the Superbowl!" doesn't cut it.

Is the team cursed? The organization? Or am I? Why am I rallying year after year around a team that can't get it done? Am I a masochist? Or am I psychologically geared toward loving the underdog? Or was I cursed to be born into a Jet family? If born into a Giant family I'd have experienced THREE championships in my lifetime.

I don't know. But with your help, maybe I can get to the bottom of it. Whether it's the team, the organization, or it's ME, I have to make sense of it. I can't go another forty years like this. And maybe, just maybe, figuring it out will help CURE whatever ails us and bring glory to we few, we (tortured) but happy few.

ONE CHAMPIONSHIP and forty years fade into the Meadowland mist. I can die a happy sports fan. I've come too far to quit now. I know many of you can say the same. We've no choice but to soldier on and enjoy the ride (despite YEARS of pulling hair out at missed game-winning field goals and shredding vocal chords screaming "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!").

At the time of this post, the Jets are 3-0. On top of the AFC East, and fans are excited. The stadium is LOUD like I've never heard it before. There's something going on here. New coach. New rookie QB. Confidence. Swagger. But I won't predict anything just yet. I won't declare, "Superbowl here we come." Let's face it. I'm a Jet fan. Ever hopeful, but cautious...

But I am excited. These three games have been fun to watch. And that'll do for now.

I'll be posting tid-bits here on this site about how things are going with the documentary and any other thoughts/feelings that come up along the way. Hope you enjoy it, and if you have anything to share, please drop a line.

Thanks again for your time, and keep a look-out for us at the stadium.



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