Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watching Jet Superbowl Alone?

I had an interesting phone conversation with my friend (and fellow life-long Jet fan) Darren yesterday.

I was telling him about the documentary, and it led to us imagining the Jets in the Superbowl and how would we watch it?

He, like myself, always imagined getting friends and family together in one HUGE party to watch it. But then he said, "what if they lost???"

He brought up, and I remember too, the immense pain and disappointment after losing the AFC Championship game in 98', the loss to the Steelers a few years back, and many others. It was an emotional soul-drain that took a long time to move on from. (if we've ever really recovered)

So to lose the SUPERBOWL??? To be that close???

He figures he'd have to watch it alone. And I can see where he's coming from. Now I don't know what I'd do. Maybe just with my immediate family. My father and my brothers. We've shared plenty of Jets defeats and great victories together.

Ultimately I feel I'd rather have everyone together in a huge group. There has to be solace in sharing the agony if they lost, plus, if they WON, I'd always remember a room full of leaping, crazy maniacs hugging cheering and spilling beer and snacks.

Maybe I'd have everyone watch alone till half-time or the end of the third quarter, then everyone meet up if they're winning. Though with the Jets, there's never a guaranteed win till the final whistle blows (and your heart's in your throat if it hasn't exploded).

How would you watch a Jet Superbowl?

Let's all start imagining the event. We'll saturate the quantum level of the universe and vibrate some string-theory magic to make it reality.

(Imagine a VICTORIOUS Superbowl viewing. That ought to help. Being there's not enough.)


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