Monday, February 1, 2010


Jets head coach Rex Ryan was photographed this weekend giving some Miami Dolphin fans the finger at a martial arts even in Florida. The pic made the news and he's since apologized to the Jets organization, Jet fans, the National Football League, and may face a fine.
Okay. Look. Let's get one thing straight. I know the league wants to create some code of conduct for coaches and players off the field and hardy har har. Whatever.

But if a grown man is being insulted by nagging idiots, and he's got a temper to begin with, the finger is the LEAST thing he could have done to them. They're lucky Rex didn't sever their heads with his bare hands and punt them fifty yards.

And people need to get over this whole "sensitive" world we're creating. He's a FOOTBALL COACH. NOT THE POPE. He's NOT at a game, he's NOT at a team function and NOT in uniform. This is a man, on his own, being harassed by idiots who clearly have nothing better to do with their lives than defend an organization that doesn't even know they exist but for the purchase of the jerseys they wear or stadium seats they sit in. (I know it's the same for us Jet fans, but I don't go yelling at the Miami coach should I see him. Nor would I.)

People need to get over this trivial crap in my opinion. Stop turning everything into a spectacle or issue just because everyone in the country has a camera phone. Nonsense. Just nonsense.

I love that he did NOT apologize to the fans he gave the finger to, nor to the Dolphin fans at large, or their organization. Good. But I'm sure some fools will call for it. I say NO.

GET OVER IT YOU CRY BABIES. THIS IS THE WORLD OF FOOTBALL. NOT A TEA PARTY. Sure he represents the organization and team and he apologized. Enough said on our end. On their end, they can blow it out theirs.

(Yeah, I said it.)




Watch out, Rex. Remember how sneaky those Dolphins are. I wrote about it long ago... MIAMI DOLPHIN LOGO vs INFINITY

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