Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Greetings. Mark here, back after a long off season.

Yes I am writing this the day after watching our despicable opening game loss to the Baltimore Ravens in person with my dad. Yes I could choose to be buoyant and upbeat and focus on the positives. That its only one game we lost by one point.


Note I am NOT one of the Jet fans who believes we are automatic locks for the Super Bowl or anything else Ryan says, and that what I say below is true no matter if we win every game here on in, including the Superbowl.

Sitting in the stadium last night, standing on every third down of ours and theirs (all of them going against us), none of the "Get Loud!" urges by the 4 mega-jumbo-trons, and our hearty, vuvuzela-decibel responses making a shred of difference, shredding my voice with the thousands of passionate Jet fans around me and being rewarded with greater and greater displays of incompetence, I have reached the point (once again and once and for all) where my rooting for the New York Jets makes me a complete idiot.

This organization is garbage and I am a fool to support them with my time and money. I could go on at length about the bigger stadium and smaller seats, the slow, incompetent concession staff, the universal higher prices and fewer, safer, exits (if there's an emergency and panic mid-game it will be a death-trap) and much more, but I won't.

The Jets are a bad minor league team. They are a Hollywood studio that promises block-busters but delivers duds. Each upcoming trailer promises that THIS one will be good. "Look at the stars! Look at the director! Look at the 3D computer graphics!" AND IT SUCKS.

Until we Jet fans get it through our star-crossed minds that it's not the glint and gleam of the Emerald City or columns of fire and smoke aside the apparition of the fabled Wizard of Oz, but the men behind the curtain of this disorganization that lay the yellow brick road of our hopes and dreams then pave it for PSL parking, we shall forever snooze in the poppy fields of foolishness, without courage, without heart, and in desperate need of a brain.


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