Sunday, September 19, 2010


The New York Football Jets drive me crazy.

I still feel they're a minor league team. No victory pulled from their buttocks will change that feeling in my heart.

Today the Jets won a great victory against our arch enemies the New England Football Patriots. It was our first win in our new stadium. What a way to ring in a first win.

The first half was the same damn poor as hell football they played last week. They come out of the locker-room the second half and blow the roof off the sucka. I wonder what the heck happened. Did they dress robots to play the rest of the game? Or did head coach Rex Ryan and offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer bust out identical keys from around their necks, plunge them into the secret safe, turn clock-wise at the same moment to pop open the door with their actual offensive playbook?

Regardless, they finally gave me something to cheer about. My dad and I high-fived and did so with the great group of fans around us till our hands were sore. Was nice to not be heckled by the opposing fans on our way out of the stadium and instead boo Patriot fans as they headed to the exits.

I said we'd go 9-7 last year (though we won the games I thought we'd lose and vice-versa). Before this game (because I did not predict before last weeks game) I predict a record this year of 7-9. Of course I hope for better, but with the Jets, one never knows, does one.


1 comment:

  1. hey mark, i'm moe's daughter & i'd like to send you a pic of his 11 month old granddaughter in jet gear. the new generation of jets fans. where can i send it?
