Friday, December 17, 2010


The last entry I posted on this site was about how the Jets were a minor league team that will always remain so no matter how successful this season. (wasn't my last one, but next to last)

I know I sounded a bit harsh. It was written, I believe, after the opening loss to the Ravens, where they played like a lot of nine year old school girls after an entire off season to prepare. "But the first week they're bound to be rusty."

Sure. The New England Patriots beat the Cincinnati Bengals 38-24 opening day. They seemed to figure it out.

And I swear I've restrained myself from commenting since then, because as soon as I ripped them a new one, they went on an amazing victory streak. I figured, wow, HATING them and being SO fed up that I just can't bother to expend another ounce of self on their behalf, has magically sparked success. Maybe I should have hated them my whole life and they'd have won fifteen Super Bowls in a row.

But alas, how fitting is it that with the recent collapse of the Amazin' Jets, my last entry is as valid as it was after game 1's performance. And so I leave it. I still believe it.

This is the same old same old. Its the organization. Its the fact the Jets CONTINUE to hire inexperienced head coaches. That's not the only side of the story but look: Bill Parcells was the last coach the Jets hired who had previous success as a head coach. After him came a string of never before been head coaches. Including Rex Ryan. Who I love, and maybe in a few years he'll be the next Vince Lombardi. But right now, he's on the job training.

Can the Jets EVER get a Shanahan or Cowher or Gruden - SOMEONE. ANYONE who has a ring or two on his hand and a system already in place? Who comes in and BAM gets to work on recreating Super Bowl victory?

Even hiring a franchise quarterback at this point in time, when the team, after going 8-3 under a veteran quarterback in Brett Favre, then collapsing under his playing injured - thanks Brett - were ready to make a serious run??

Could they not have just gotten a solid, veteran QB to plug up that spot and deliver the ball with confidence, balancing out the running game and amazing defense? Who knows where we'd be right now. How long can they keep this group together? And I know there's a lot of new faces on the Jets this year. They made plenty of moves in the off season to get us over the edge.

But remember. Last year we made it into the playoffs with help. It was an up and down season. This year is up and down. They're still not a great team, far from dominant, and Rex and Sanchez have years more learning to do. WHY WHY WHY did they have to earn their stripes during these years? WHY?

The organization made these decisions. These are the reasons, amongst others, that I believe the ORGANIZATION is the reason for the Jets long time failure to reach let alone WIN a Super Bowl.

That's all I ask. Just one. One championship. And MAKING it is not enough. I could not STAND to lose a Super Bowl. I want a WIN. Then I can forget about them forever. They can go another forty plus years without one. Fine. Just give me ONE DAMN MOMENT to scream, shout, vent, and release every shred of failure and misery caused me since I was a kid.

JUST ONE. That's all I ask. And I don't think this is their time. They're still years away. If ever. Maybe the Rex/Sanchez era is already over. We're watching it die. Who knows. Not to be negative, just being realistic. We shouldn't have won half the games we've won this year. A win's a win. I know. Doesn't matter how. But while my dad and I jumped for joy at the Texans game at the stadium when they pulled victory from the jaws of defeat, the fact they blew about a twenty point lead spoke volumes of how bad they are right now.

Penalties. Lapses on offense AND defense. They're continuously getting worse, not better. And why? Who knows. I now blame the coaching equally if not more so now. And again, Rex is learning too. I know. Learning. Well you know what? I ain't getting any younger and this team has been SO DAMN CLOSE to making a serious run at a title and rookie coaches and quarterbacks may have been the dumbest damn decisions in the history of the organization. (besides hiring Rich Kotite. That takes the cake).

So, we can J! E! T! S! JETS! JETS! JETS! all we want at the stadium. And we do. What else we gonna do? We spent a fortune on tickets, parking and jumbo dogs to watch our Final Four team of last year lay a giant green and white turd on the astro-turf of the New Meadowlands, so why not feel we make a difference? But it ain't doin' dookie-squat. Cheering on third and ten, third and eight, third and fifteen and EVERY TIME they give up the first down. I think I saw one or two 3 and outs last game against Miami. That was is. I haven't seen it happen all year it seems like. When we kick off then kick their offense off the field. They usually drive down and kick a field goal and we pat ourselves on the back we only gave up three. Bullshite. How about a 3 and out instead of three points.

And you'll notice I've not even mentioned our not scoring an offensive touchdown in several games now.

I could blame myself. I think the curse removal ceremony last year may have been a dud. Maybe I made it worse by invoking the crossroad gods. Or they're gonna give us the trophy but they're just screwing with us. Who knows. I don't. Nor do you. Nor do the Jets. I know all life is uncertainty. But the Jets organization could do a little better. Here's to hoping. As we always do as Jet fans. And here's to Sundays game against Pittsburgh. I think we're gonna lose, and we're gonna lose good. Sorry. But that's the way I feel.

(maybe bitching again will spark a revival! Or am I just insane by now?)


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