Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Message (and Picture) from Moe's Oldest Daughter

See that adorable Jet baby? That's Moe's granddaughter. Rather than myself explain I give you the email.

hey guys, My name is Linda & I'm Moe's oldest daughter. In my eyes, my dad is one of the biggest and most dedicated jets fans I know. I grew up having no choice but to also love the Jets. Now that I'm an adult I actually follow the game more than my husband (who's a Giants fan unfortunately) , & I LOVE THE JETS!!!! Because I grew up green & white I am teaching my daughter, Katherine, to love them at at early age. She's 11 months old and I have already taught her the Jets chant. She knows to pump her arms in the air when mommy says J E T S, JETS JETS JETS!!! So I wanted to share a picture with you guys of my daughter in her Jets gear with her grandpa holding her. Linda

Congrats on Moe being a grandfather and having a daughter who has already taught her own daughter the Jets chant. That is kind of awesome.


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