Thursday, October 1, 2009



Mark here just dropping a line about something very important happening this Sunday.

No I'm not talking about the Jets/Saints game where the Jets are going make their mark on the national map by burying Drew Brees under the turf in N'awlins.

I'm talking about the full moon.

Sunday October 4th is a full moon and I'm going to take advantage of it to conduct a ceremony that should eradicate ANY potential curse on the New York Football Jets.

That's right. I said it.

While I don't know yet if there's an actual curse behind our 40 year drought, and I don't really believe in all that stuff, I'm not taking any chances. I figure I ought to do what I can to help the team, the organization, and all of Jet Nation to a championship.

Wayne and I were trying to find a reliable source for curse removal, like some kind of expert, but it's been hard to find. So we've searched the web and have found one curse removal procedure that looks cool.

It requires a full moon.

Thus, this Sunday night, under the moon and stars, we're going to do our best to rid the Jets of any dark magic that may have been cast upon them in 69'. (I blame someone or some THING in Baltimore)

Of course, a little part of me feels like hey - they're 3-0. Curse averted. Don't mess with the magic. But, as we Jet fans know by now, its exactly when things are going swimmingly that the wheels fall off, explode, then the entire vehicle flips twenty times before exploding, and then the explosions explode.

I want a championship for the Jets so bad, I'm willing to challenge all the curse devils and demons out there. I'll conjure them then KICK THEIR BUTTS into the abyss. I've had enough of these unseen gremlins putting the kibosh on my teams destiny.

We'll keep you posted.

Wish me luck...

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