Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to Get a Doctor to Call You Back

I think Mark has gone into shock over the Jets falling to the Dolphins(!). People have asked how we (I?) go about lining up people to interview when we are not at the stadium.

Good question. After all, one could place an ad on craiglist - maybe under missed connections or something. However one never knows what sort of crazy is on the other end of the reply.

We depend on a different kind of crazy. Our friends.

Like Seanie Sean.

Seanie Sean is a lifelong Jets fan who is an actual real, live New Yorker. I'm talking born, raised, and still living on the fine island of Manhattan. When I told him about the documentary his reply was simple, "Are you trying to torture me?"

Like I said, life long Jets fan.

Two weeks ago I got a text from Seanie Sean, elegant in its simplicity, "You need to interview my Doctor friend!"

Turns out Seanie Sean's doctor is an even longer life time Jets fan. A man who watched the New York Titans. A man whose phone number I was given. So I called his phone number. Fully expecting the good Doctor to answer.

Big mistake. A distinctly female voice answered on the other end.

Her: Hello?

Me: Uh, is Doctor so-and-so there?

Her: Who is this?

Me: My name is Wayne Earl. I'm filming a documentary and--

Her: Realllllllly.

Long pause at this point. I thought she was going to continue. Nope.

Me: Uh, Seanie Sean gave me--

Her: Oh, you're his friend.

Me: Uh yeah. You know him?

Her: Only forever.

She promised me the Doctor would call me back. Ten minutes later. First time ever a Doctor called me back.

Just goes to show you, drop Seanie Sean's name. And tomorrow we do the interview. Looking forward to it.

Wayne Earl

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