Sunday, October 25, 2009


As for how the Jets will do this Sunday against the Oakland Raiders out in California, I have no idea. I could say of course they'll beat the lowly Raiders. But I said the same for the Dolphins and Bills, and we lost both.

I don't know what to believe anymore. What to hope for. I'm back to where I was at the season's start. No expectations whatsoever. Hope always. Expectation, not till we're actually won the Superbowl. And even then I don't think I'd know it wasn't a trick or there'd be some flag thrown during the trophy celebration and they'd call it back.

So for now, I watch. I just watch. I'm still with them. Still hoping for the best. But we're off the charts right now. Interesting to see which way this season goes. From 3-3 to 4-3, or 3-4. One notch to the positive, or one notch to the negative.

As always, the Jets fate is in their hands. Sometimes I wish it wasn't.

Mark J. Williamson

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