Saturday, October 10, 2009


Got an email from my future sister-in-law Kristen regarding the trailer for this documentary, and she flipped when she saw we interviewed her father's best friend before one of the home games.

He's a hard-core tailgater and we happened to meet up with no knowledge of our family/friend connection. Very cool. I wish I knew at the time, though we still had a great time forging our own Jet friendship.

She asked if she could forward the email to her dad so he can see his friend and I said SURE! I'm always happy to have people see themselves in the project and share it with people they know. And lets face it, a big way you can help use get this story out into the world is have as many eyes check out this site and follow the tale in progress. The site records how many people have been there, and we can check how many "hits" the videos get. The more we get, the more we can tell anyone in the biz about the Jets story and how many people are clearly interested.

And on behalf of myself, Wayne our director/producer, and Ben the cameraman/editor, I thank you for checking in and reading these words right now.

So keep a lookout for your friends and family in the footage, and if you're ever at the stadium, keep an eye out for us. And don't be shy about saying hello.


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