Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, so far we've had a heck of a time exploring the New York Football Jets and why they haven't won a championship in 40 years.

We've learned perhaps, though everything's still unofficial, that there are TWO curses at work. One on the team/organization, and one on the fans who support them both. Maybe that's three curses. I don't know.

But what I do know is that a lot of people love this team. A lot of people don't care they've never won a championship in their lifetime, let alone BEEN in a championship. A lot of people, who were much like me before this season began, had NO IDEA how long it's been since Namath won the green and white it's only title.

Which means either people aren't paying attention at all to the numbers, or they've blocked it out, or, there's too many other reasons to keep rooting for this scrappy, B-list organization that's like the Little Engine that Could. (though doesn't quite )

Which may be the fans' side of the curse. But is that negative? Is loving this lovable bunch of football dynasty misfits a BAD thing? Is it not if anything, EXCITING? Is it not always nice to root for a team with HOPE? If they were 1-15 every year, it would be another story. But they're not. They make the playoffs more often than not over the last 10+ years or more. Do they not give us JUST ENOUGH to keep thinking "this year's the year"?

And isn't that more FUN? Adding to the family ties, the tailgating, the people watching at home together in front of the TV or at their local sports bar? Isn't it one great big green bowl of excitement? (okay, I'm tired. I don't know what that means.) Of DRAMA? And isn't that what we want? TO BE ENTERTAINED??? (I think of Russel Crowe in Gladiator yelling that question to the fans after chopping a man's head off.)Maybe being a Jet fan is a blessing. Championship or no. We're enjoying the ride regardless. And the journey's like life. It's up and it's down. But we keep coming back. We're tough enough for it all. And when they DO win. And they WILL WIN. (cause I'm going to try that curse breaking ceremony again soon and that's GOT to do it - even if not this year) then their becoming Superbowl Champions will be SO much sweeter. SO much grander. And make EVERY season to come SO much more fun after the long journey we fans have been on since January 1969.

(won't it? please say it will... i gotta hold on to SUMTHIN...)

Mark J. Williamson

Namath, footballbabble.com. Crowe, goneelsewhere.files.wordpress.com

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