Friday, October 30, 2009

Wow. Good news! The Jets are making some seats in the new stadium cheaper!

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The New York Jets will open ticket sales for the National Football League team’s new stadium to the general public Nov. 1, while cutting prices on some premium seats by as much as 50 percent. [Full article below]

The mezzanine club seats, which are about 7,000 of 80,000 seats in the new stadium, are reduced between 20 percent and 50 percent! Just $195 from $400! While the most-expensive seats will drop to $395 from $500! Superb!

I mean, I was fine paying FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ONE ENTIRE FOOTBALL GAME, about 4 hours of entertainment (from a team who makes the playoffs sometimes but has NEVER been a true contender but for 2 times in FORTY YEARS), but to only have to pay TWO HUNDRED? Boy, that's awesome. With the three hundred dollars I'm saving per game, I can afford the $50 dollar meals I'll be picking up for me and my dad: about $18 bucks for 2 beers, $10 for a couple stadium dawgs, and $8 or so (I don't recall the actual price, it may be more) for a couple pretzels to go with it, and then a couple souvenir ice creams served in a mini Jets helmet for $16 bucks, and we're at $52 bucks. And that's just for two people. But hey, we can swing it now!

I'm being sarcastic of course, but I must raise the question, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH THE EXPENSIVE PRICE OF SPORTS IN AMERICA???

Was everyone awarded a couple million in bail-out money and mine got lost in the mail? I guess not, or they wouldn't be lowering the prices, but still, have we not crossed some STRANGE line when human beings are parting with $200+ dollars to watch ONE football game??? I mean, they are just playing FOOTBALL, right? They're not ending war, curing cancer or settling on Mars, are they? Cause I'd pay $500 to be present at any of those events.

Baseball is the same madness, and heck, even Broadway shows here in New York City are $100+ to see a 2 1/2 hour show. How on earth are these institutions supposed to last when only millionaires can go? Are there that many well-off enough people in this land? And is every shred of entertainment in our culture just for them when it used to be accessible to all? What are people smoking these days? (money I guess)

When does this end or break apart and become impossible to support?

I have to believe that the Jets AND Giants, as the Mets and Yankees (I've talked to fans, especially Met fans) are losing HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of die-hard fans that used to come see them play. We've met many Jet fan tailgaters who are done after this year. Especially since the article above mentions the Personal Seating Licenses (PSL's) have NOT gone down. $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 or $30,000 PER TICKET.

Will the new stadium be entirely populated by the guy from the Monopoly board game? Eating caviar while sipping champagne with their pinkies raised?

I guess with millionaires on the field playing for billionaire owners it's only fair that millionaires come watch them, while the peasantry that kept the team in business the last 40 years watch from home and remember when we could afford to be there and let them hear us scream.

This is an issue that will be with us all season. This unique time in Jets history. 40 years since a Superbowl (1969-2009), their last year before having their FIRST stadium built with them in mind, instead of one built for another organization. And so many unable to afford tailgating every home game like they have for 15, 20 years.

Talk about curses. There may be a bigger one floating around in all this than any of us would like to face, regarding American/corporate culture at large, and one I don't think I can dispel with a candle and a moonlight chant...

Mark J. Williamson

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Got word today that my oldest brother Mike (of 3 brothers) can't make it to the Jets game with my dad this Sunday, and so I'm filling in. My dad has 2 season tickets he's waited 10 years for, and so he'll go as much as he can, and has asked different family members to join him. Sharing the Jet love.

I look forward to seeing the Jets face the Dolphins. This way I can yell and scream and cheer "J! E! T! S! JETS! JETS! JETS!" Feel I'm the 12th man. Encourage them along with the other 78,000 or so. I have to do SOMETHING to feel involved in their effort. Watching them play the Dolphins last time I got so frustrated I just wanted to fly to Miami, run on the field and break up that dang Wildcat play myself. Charge from the stands and tackle some peeps.

I can say the Jets are gonna kill'm. That they'll shove the wildcat down their throats. But I can't. I have no idea what Jet team will show up. What Jet fan is ever sure? Does that make me a weak fan? Or a REAL Jet fan who's seen enough to know NOT to be sure? Does the doubt I feel, coupled with all the doubt from the millions of other fans permeate the quantum mechanics of the universe and conspire to MAKE the Jets un-excell? Am I partially to blame cause I feel such nags of doubt? Are ALL of us to blame when we don't combine our imagined (forced) certainty?

Is the fact I just wrote all of the above certify me as insane?

Or is it just THE JETS CURSE twisting my football loving life???????

(time will tell)

Mark J. Williamson

Video 7 - The Jets Bus

Everyone has a particular way of getting to the game. Jeff and his buddies are no different. Though they have a totally cool way of getting there.

Wayne Earl

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, so far we've had a heck of a time exploring the New York Football Jets and why they haven't won a championship in 40 years.

We've learned perhaps, though everything's still unofficial, that there are TWO curses at work. One on the team/organization, and one on the fans who support them both. Maybe that's three curses. I don't know.

But what I do know is that a lot of people love this team. A lot of people don't care they've never won a championship in their lifetime, let alone BEEN in a championship. A lot of people, who were much like me before this season began, had NO IDEA how long it's been since Namath won the green and white it's only title.

Which means either people aren't paying attention at all to the numbers, or they've blocked it out, or, there's too many other reasons to keep rooting for this scrappy, B-list organization that's like the Little Engine that Could. (though doesn't quite )

Which may be the fans' side of the curse. But is that negative? Is loving this lovable bunch of football dynasty misfits a BAD thing? Is it not if anything, EXCITING? Is it not always nice to root for a team with HOPE? If they were 1-15 every year, it would be another story. But they're not. They make the playoffs more often than not over the last 10+ years or more. Do they not give us JUST ENOUGH to keep thinking "this year's the year"?

And isn't that more FUN? Adding to the family ties, the tailgating, the people watching at home together in front of the TV or at their local sports bar? Isn't it one great big green bowl of excitement? (okay, I'm tired. I don't know what that means.) Of DRAMA? And isn't that what we want? TO BE ENTERTAINED??? (I think of Russel Crowe in Gladiator yelling that question to the fans after chopping a man's head off.)Maybe being a Jet fan is a blessing. Championship or no. We're enjoying the ride regardless. And the journey's like life. It's up and it's down. But we keep coming back. We're tough enough for it all. And when they DO win. And they WILL WIN. (cause I'm going to try that curse breaking ceremony again soon and that's GOT to do it - even if not this year) then their becoming Superbowl Champions will be SO much sweeter. SO much grander. And make EVERY season to come SO much more fun after the long journey we fans have been on since January 1969.

(won't it? please say it will... i gotta hold on to SUMTHIN...)

Mark J. Williamson

Namath, Crowe,



During a commercial break in the Jets/Raiders game Sunday, Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez was caught on camera eating a stadium dog with mustard. In secret...

(click "BACK" arrow after link below to return to blog),198197

I think it's great. Why is this news-worthy, cameraman/editor Ben asked? (who sent me the link about it, with said question)

I guess it's just something you don't see a lot. Players eating during a game. And a hot dog seems so unhealthy I guess? Like, why couldn't the Jets get him a banana or an orange or something? They spend $50 million on this guy and he's feeling queezy and has to have a concessions guy sneak him a stadium dog? Consuming it like he's committing a crime?

Don't they have state-of-the-art facilities and elite medical staff to swoop down on these guys and give them head to toe diagnostic reports from high-tech machines like military medics? Wouldn't they know he didn't feel well and be around him every moment on the sideline to make sure he's okay or get him something if he needed it?

I guess that's why he snuck it. Sometimes you just want a stadium dog. Who cares what it's made of. Or what it costs. I think he wanted a dog and is making up the whole sickness thing. Don't hide it, Sanchez. Own the dawg.

And how did he pay for it? Did he call to the guy in the crowd and the guy threw it to him and then he pulled his wallet out from his thigh pad? Does he keep a folded $20 in his sweaty sock?

I figured it was some Sanchez California tradition or something. Like when he used to play growing up or in high school his mom would buy him a hot dog after every game, and now that he's back in California for the first time as a pro, he's bringing himself back to the old days to reconnect himself. (that's the story I'm telling myself).

Instead Sanchez apologized, said it was stupid, and that he'd probably get in trouble. Why?

I don't know what the big deal is or why he ate it on the down-low. THAT'S what makes it seem seem weird. He could have just eaten the dawg in the open. Think Rex Ryan would care? He probably ate 50 stadium dogs before, during and after the game. (I hope he doesn't have a heart attack. Seriously. At least not until he wins us a championship).

I kid.


Mark J. Williamson

photo Sanchez, Hot dog, Ryan,

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Eureeka. The New York Football Jets DESTROYED the Raiders from Oak Land this afternoon, 38-0. If you didn't catch that last number, that's a ZERO. NO POINTS allowed on the board. Not touchdowns, not field-goals.

Granted, the Raiders kind of suck, and they gave us a lot of help. But this is exactly what the Jets needed after losing three straight. The perfect game to play. They got a real-world testing of their playbook and got to reconnect Sanchez with some TD passing/running, and feeling good again.

Now let's keep it going. Those tricky Dolphins come to town next weekend. Let's show them what we've learned from last time.

The Jets were a little sloppy on offense today - they needed to warm up I guess. I hope vs. the Dolphins they can raise the bar. Playing good teams does that. Brings out the best in them. Always has. Sure they won big today, but they could get away with messy execution. Not next week.

Today a stepping stone. Next week a real leap for Jet-kind.


Mark J. Williamson


As for how the Jets will do this Sunday against the Oakland Raiders out in California, I have no idea. I could say of course they'll beat the lowly Raiders. But I said the same for the Dolphins and Bills, and we lost both.

I don't know what to believe anymore. What to hope for. I'm back to where I was at the season's start. No expectations whatsoever. Hope always. Expectation, not till we're actually won the Superbowl. And even then I don't think I'd know it wasn't a trick or there'd be some flag thrown during the trophy celebration and they'd call it back.

So for now, I watch. I just watch. I'm still with them. Still hoping for the best. But we're off the charts right now. Interesting to see which way this season goes. From 3-3 to 4-3, or 3-4. One notch to the positive, or one notch to the negative.

As always, the Jets fate is in their hands. Sometimes I wish it wasn't.

Mark J. Williamson

Friday, October 23, 2009

Video 5 - A Giant Gorilla & How People Become Fans

We took this video before the Jets/Patriots game. I admit it, I saw a giant green gorilla and we immediately headed toward it. I mean, who wouldn't? The Director in me thought, "Awesome shot", and the Producer in me thought, "How long does it take to inflate and who takes it down?"

Thanks to everyone in the area involved with this giant kong-like madness.


Wayne Earl


When the Jets lost this past Sunday to Buffalo, word was mentioned about Mark Sanchez never having played in cold weather before, that that's why he had problems throwing the ball.

Having played his whole life in California, and at the University of Southern California, this would make some sense. Trouble is he had no problem throwing the ball.

To the other team.

A pro QB has to be able to throw the ball anytime, any weather, and make the adjustments necessary. This is the National Football League. Not Pop Warner. He can practice in the cold. Put him in a refrigerator. Bring in big fans that spew ice-air in his face and shrink his hands. Make him deal with it.

Regardless of all that, he'll be back in sunny California to hurl pigskins, so there should be no question of weather being a factor.

I'm not worried and don't mean to bust his chops. He's going through the most important growing pains anyone can in any new job. We've all started jobs and screwed everything up. That's how we learned not to screw them up again.

So long as he remembers his team will be in white, the Raiders in black, he should be golden.

Have at'm, Sanchez. Give'm heck.

Mark J. Williamson

for more on Sanchez

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Some say the Jets became cursed when they left Shea Stadium in Queens, borough of New York City, to play in Giants Stadium in the New Jersey Meadowlands. Cursed because they don't have their own stadium, playing what one fan called "sixteen away games a year".

Many said this "NJ Curse" would have been broken if they'd have built the Jets they're OWN HOME, something they've never had, back in Queens near Shea, or even on Manhattan's west side. (How COOL would that have been? Picture from the proposed plan below.)

But no, in New Jersey they stay, (they signed a 99 year lease - no joke) and at least now they share their home instead of renting the tiny back bedroom from the lease-holding Giants.

And still I hear the negative cries, even from the Bills fans this past Sunday, that the Buffalo Bills are the only true New York team because they're the only ones who play in New York State, and that both the Jets and Giants should be called the New Jersey Jets/Giants.

On paper, this is seems true. But the world is not made of paper.

Let me break it down...

First of all, what is real are human settlements. New York City is one such settlement. You can go there. You can see it.

The distance from the center of Giants Stadium to the heart of Times Square (what I'm calling the epicenter of New York City and it's boroughs), to the center of the old Shea Stadium (which has been torn down but still exists on Google Maps), is 6.4 miles. (10.2 kilometers).

Distance from Times Square to the beloved Shea Stadium where the supposedly pre-cursed Jets used to play? 7.2 miles. (11.5 kilometers)

So the Jets actually play CLOSER to the heart of New York City than they did when playing at Shea.,-73.959961&spn=0.397842,0.686646&t=k&z=11&msid=118313950579079956559.0004768c6a229b420657f

The other thing is, there's no such thing as the state of New Jersey. Or New York. Or the United States of America for that matter.

If I used my magic (which is considerable) to turn you into a hawk to fly above the tri-state area, you would not see thick black lines marking borders, or pretty color coded "states". You'd see hills and dales and forests and rivers.

Cities and towns, yes. Borders and states, no. They are human constructs that only exist in our minds. Sure these make tax collecting and the execution of human government easier, but that still doesn't make them real.

Thus the Jets don't play in the state of New Jersey. There's no such thing as "New Jersey". They play in a swamp. That's real enough. And closer to the heart of the city they're named for than they used to be.

And the only real borders are the 50 yard line as the Jets move from their half of the field into enemy territory, and their opponents goal line as they cross it for a touchdown.

So begone argument of NY/NJ and "real" New York teams. And lets root for the team we love.


Mark J. Williamson

PS - For more on Jets history -
(Jets photo from

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Video 4 - Mark's father Jim talks about Superbowl III

Who does Mark credit (blame?) for his Jets affliction? His father Jim of course!

Being a good father when Jim finally secured season tickets for the first time ever he invited Mark to join him for the game. Jim was nice enough to fill us in on watching the Jets Superbowl III victory.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


On Friday, October 16th, my sister gave birth to her first child. A glorious time for her, her husband and the whole family. But while visiting at the hospital, for fun, I asked how soon before they indoctrinate their son with Jet onesies, and they both immediately shot me a look like DON'T YOU DARE.

You see, my sister grew up watching her father and four brothers groan, agonize, and scream at the television while the Jets were on. She, like my mother, always asked why the HECK we did this to ourselves year after year. I don't blame them. Who wants to see their loved ones suffer?

Therefore my sister knows better than anyone the rough road we Jet fans travel. I can understand not wanting her son to be sucked in like the tractor beam to the Death Star. In time he may choose to join us. But for now, he shall remain untouched by our meddling.

My brother Mike and his wife Sabrina had a bouncing baby boy in May, and I've already seen him in a Jet onesie. I asked them if they had any reservation about making him go green. Mike said he didn't even think of it.

We met another fan the day of the Patriot game, (where'd that amazing Jet team go?), and he and his wife said their child was also introduced to the wearing of the green without question.

As we've been interviewing and meeting great Jet fans, the common thread to becoming a Jet fan was family. You're born into it. Not all fans we've met, but the majority.

Now, our families could never anticipate the Jets going 40 years without a Superbowl appearance. But these are the facts of this club. And though yes we're rebuilding (again) and it's going to take time to see how it turns out (more years of waiting), I feel the question is a valid one.


Do we break the chain? Do we ween them off the green and white? Get them into another team, ANY team and let them "pull" for the Jets (the mildest form of fan-dom) in a casual sense? Not let them get fanatical/hysterical/emotionally committed/drained?

This question is for YOU to answer, in your own lives, in your own actions. Cause if the Jets Curse is in fact the reality that WE'RE cursed by loving them, then the reality of passing the curse to the next generation is in your hands.

May you choose wisely...

Mark J. Williamson

Monday, October 19, 2009


Well, yesterday Sunday October 18th, my birthday, was excellent in all ways possible, save the outcome of of the Jets/Buffalo game in the Meadowlands.

I had a rough night Saturday, celebrating my birthday with friends, and I swear that 15 seconds more on the bumpy elementary school bus that shuttled us from the non-permit lot to the stadium, and I'd have puked my guts out.

But I held, and the fresh COLD air of the Meadowlands, coupled with meeting some amazing tailgating fans, made me feel great. A huge thank you to everyone we met, the new friends made, and old friends we saw again.

To the all-woman tailgaters honoring Breast Cancer Awareness, (delicious bacon and gummy bears, thank you) to Peter and the gang at 16G, to Brian and his die-hard crew with the incredible four cheese macaroni, to Matt, a boy celebrating his birthday with family as he wished, it was a great day. And even to the Bills fans (from Buffalo) who shared their view on the Jets, their own chant, and how if any team is cursed, it's probably theirs, being in FOUR STRAIGHT SUPERBOWLS in the 90's, only to LOSE ALL FOUR. I can't even BEGIN to imagine that agony. Thank you all for your time and generosity.

As for the Jets, and the FRUSTRATION I felt watching what was without a doubt the LONGEST, UGLIEST game of football I've ever seen in my life, I'm letting that frustration go. Or I'll go insane.

From the 5 interceptions was it? And MILLIONS of penalty yards, (it was millions I'm sure) what we're seeing is exactly what we should be seeing from a rookie QB and rookie coach. It wouldn't be so frustrating if we'd started the year like this.

But the Jets are the Jets, and as I've stated all along in these posts, and you fans know yourselves, it's the Jet way to build us up before smashing us down. So can we be surprised? Can we really be that mad? I guess we can. How DARE they build us up like that. I had NO expectations this year - meaning, no clear idea how they'd do. It all depended on the variables I just mentioned.

But to go 3-0? Madness. And anyone who has yet to grasp the Jet journey, this is it. For you non football fans checking this out, or fans of other teams who want to know what goes on in the lives of a Jet fan, you're getting your fill.

Against all odds they go 3-0, then go 0-3. Wish it was the other way around.

Now we have no IDEA where they're heading. With their schedule, and talent we KNOW they have cause we've seen it, they could win the next three and bring balance to the universe, or they could lose the next three and give each of us a head of full gray hair, or bald patches from scratching our heads in wonder.

So for now I'll say this: We've got a rookie QB and coach. And they're acting like it.

Stay calm. We're only SIX games into the Ryan/Sanchez era. Give them time. Could take a couple years to get enough experience to go the distance. Maybe 3. Maybe more. Are we not patient? Have we not waited this long? Are we not tied to this team no matter WHAT by this point? What choice do we have but to wait? Is THIS not the Jet Curse we're exploring? This being trapped? This emotional abduction? This irrational connection we can't sever?????

Until then, let's keep the smiles and laughter going before the game, and after. Keep up the camaraderie of our shared (if disappointing) experience.

And we'll see you next time.


Mark J. Williamson

PS - Sanchez stays at QB. You don't pull him. I present exhibit "A" for this argument, Superbowl Champ Eli Manning's career stats including HIS first year in the league, where he only played 9 games. He got better as time passed. But I recall clearly how Giants fans wanted him removed after some of his dismal performances. And yet now look where they are.

Friday, October 16, 2009


That's right, folks. Our very own interviewee, Peter, our very FIRST interview for this documentary, who drives a white Hummer with plates that say, "1 JETS FAN" was spotted on the highway by my good friend John and his wife Krista, who live in the same area of the Bronx as Peter does. (this came up in conversation before our interview)

So Peter, if you saw a silver car with a man and woman snapping cell phone pics of you and your vehicle, NO WORRIES! I know those maniac stalkers.

Welcome to Jet fame my friend. With any luck, we'll make you more famous that Namath.

Mark J. Williamson


Since our loss this past Monday night, I've been out hunting wildcats.

Yes the tricky Dolphins (I warned you about their helmets and infinity - see post) ran this crazy damn Nerf football play called "The Wildcat" a million times during the game and it helped mix up our elite defense enough to bring the Dolphins a 31-27 victory.

See footage of the infamous play in question below.

So. We lost to the New Orleans Saints, one of the best in the league, 2 Sundays ago, and now we've lost to our AFC East division rivals the Dolphins, tainting our superb 3-0 start. But here's the thing.

I'm excited we lost these two games.

That's right. You heard me. I'm excited because this is exactly what new head coach Rex Ryan, new quarterback Mark Sanchez and the whole New York Jets team needs after going undefeated in three games.


Playing the Saint's top notch offense and defense has taught them much. And now they've seen enough of this Wildcat offense from Miami to take the animal, tie it up, put it in a box, and cram it down their throats when we play them next time at home.

If we'd WON the last 2 games, we'd be in big trouble. We'd be 5-0, the Cinderella story of the league, all eyes on us, all teams gunning for us, the house of cards growing higher and higher for a more spectacular fall. And as we know, especially with this potentially cursed team, the cards ALWAYS FALL at some point.

And we always rebuild.

Better to rebuild the defense and offense going into week 6 to be ready for ANY upcoming threat, then later in the season when everyone's on pins and needles about when the other shoe will drop.

It's dropped. Now we move on, stronger.



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to Get a Doctor to Call You Back

I think Mark has gone into shock over the Jets falling to the Dolphins(!). People have asked how we (I?) go about lining up people to interview when we are not at the stadium.

Good question. After all, one could place an ad on craiglist - maybe under missed connections or something. However one never knows what sort of crazy is on the other end of the reply.

We depend on a different kind of crazy. Our friends.

Like Seanie Sean.

Seanie Sean is a lifelong Jets fan who is an actual real, live New Yorker. I'm talking born, raised, and still living on the fine island of Manhattan. When I told him about the documentary his reply was simple, "Are you trying to torture me?"

Like I said, life long Jets fan.

Two weeks ago I got a text from Seanie Sean, elegant in its simplicity, "You need to interview my Doctor friend!"

Turns out Seanie Sean's doctor is an even longer life time Jets fan. A man who watched the New York Titans. A man whose phone number I was given. So I called his phone number. Fully expecting the good Doctor to answer.

Big mistake. A distinctly female voice answered on the other end.

Her: Hello?

Me: Uh, is Doctor so-and-so there?

Her: Who is this?

Me: My name is Wayne Earl. I'm filming a documentary and--

Her: Realllllllly.

Long pause at this point. I thought she was going to continue. Nope.

Me: Uh, Seanie Sean gave me--

Her: Oh, you're his friend.

Me: Uh yeah. You know him?

Her: Only forever.

She promised me the Doctor would call me back. Ten minutes later. First time ever a Doctor called me back.

Just goes to show you, drop Seanie Sean's name. And tomorrow we do the interview. Looking forward to it.

Wayne Earl

Monday, October 12, 2009

Video - #3 - Mark and Britney

I love when people jump in and join the festivities. Okay, I like it even more when the person signs the release after. Sometimes I have to make a split second decision on whether I think the person is actually going to sign. Otherwise Ben ends up burning tape. Which costs money.

Luckily Britney didn't cost us money. So fans, keep on jumping in and joining us. But only if you're going to sign the release.


Saturday, October 10, 2009


The Jets are playing AFC East rivals the Miami Dolphins this Monday night.

You "bleed green" Jets fans remember the AMAZING Jet/Dolphin match-ups over the years. There's something about the green and white clashing with orange and turquoise that brings out the best, and nastiest, in these two clubs.

Today I add a new element to watch out for regarding the Dolphins organization. Their logo, and what it says about how undercover-clever this organization really is.

Let me break it down for you:

As the team is the Miami Dolphins (plural), a player on the team is a Dolphin (singular).

As you can see above, on this Dolphin's head is a helmet.

On the Dolphin's helmet, is a dolphin.
On THIS dolphin's head, is a helmet.


THIS dolphin's helmet does NOT have a dolphin with a helmet, but the letter "M". (For "Miami" I assume)

Instead of an "M", the team could easily have put another dolphin with a helmet who had a dolphin with a helmet who had a dolphin with a helmet and so on, introducing the concept of infinity, as it could go on forever.

Thus, the Miami Dolphins decided their players should NOT be running around with INFINITY on their helmets, and broke the chain with the letter "M".

Clever, Miami. Almost TOO clever...




Got an email from my future sister-in-law Kristen regarding the trailer for this documentary, and she flipped when she saw we interviewed her father's best friend before one of the home games.

He's a hard-core tailgater and we happened to meet up with no knowledge of our family/friend connection. Very cool. I wish I knew at the time, though we still had a great time forging our own Jet friendship.

She asked if she could forward the email to her dad so he can see his friend and I said SURE! I'm always happy to have people see themselves in the project and share it with people they know. And lets face it, a big way you can help use get this story out into the world is have as many eyes check out this site and follow the tale in progress. The site records how many people have been there, and we can check how many "hits" the videos get. The more we get, the more we can tell anyone in the biz about the Jets story and how many people are clearly interested.

And on behalf of myself, Wayne our director/producer, and Ben the cameraman/editor, I thank you for checking in and reading these words right now.

So keep a lookout for your friends and family in the footage, and if you're ever at the stadium, keep an eye out for us. And don't be shy about saying hello.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Video - #2 - The Origin of the J-E-T-S chant

We've (I've - dang pronoun again) learned a lot already about Jets lore. The little facts that have been left to myth, or maybe myths that gave way to fact. I don't really know. I leave the curse chasing and breaking to Mark.

But man did I find this video interesting.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Uh oh.

Wayne informed me today that early this morning the Jets signed star wide receiver Braylon Edwards from the Cleveland Browns. reports, "He's a tall, fast receiver, with the kind of prototype size-speed ratio NFL scouts covet. Edwards had a breakout year in 2007, with 80 catches for 1,289 yards and 16 touchdowns."

This sounds good, yes? We've been without a star receiver for Sanchez to throw to. Braylon clearly is the answer.

But here's the rub. No, it's not the fact, "Edwards is...prone to dropping a ton of passes - way, way too many for a receiver with his kind of raw talent."

Or, "The other downside is Edwards' off-field behavior. Early Monday morning, he allegedly punched a friend of [NBA basketball star] LeBron James outside a Cleveland nightclub. The NFL is investigating the incident, and could impose sanctions if it is determined Edwards violated the league's personal conduct policy."

Or, "Edwards was also partying with receiver Donte Stallworth in the hours before Stallworth struck and killed a man in Miami last March. Stallworth pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges."

None of these things bother me as much as this: I have reason to believe that the Cleveland Browns football team bears its OWN curse, and that Braylon Edwards may be bringing a piece of it with him to the Jets.

Here's my theory:

The Browns are cursed. Evidence? "Cleveland is one of the five NFL teams that has yet to qualify for the Super Bowl. Cleveland has not hosted a Super Bowl, making it the only NFL city to have neither hosted nor sent a team to the Super Bowl."

For more evidence, just look at their rocky history since the merger in 1970, and the last few years as a team, including this year's 0-4 start under OUR former coach Eric "Mangenious" Mangini. (and any Cleveland fan can tell you Mangini didn't bring a Jets Curse with him. Cleveland suffered long before he got there.)

Who cursed the Browns? The Cleveland fans themselves.

From 1946 to 1995 the Browns played in Cleveland. In 1996, the owner, Art Modell, moved the team to Baltimore. And BOY were the Browns fans PISSED OFF. The city went from 39 years with a football team they loved, to three years with NO team at all.

I believe hundreds, maybe THOUSANDS of Cleveland fans cursed the Browns name, creating one HUGE curse so the "Baltimore Browns" would SUCK and NEVER win a championship.

Problem is, owner Art Modell changed the name from the "Browns" to the "Ravens". (After the title of Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "The Raven", and Poe is buried in Baltimore).

As no one in Cleveland cursed a Raven, the Baltimore Ravens went on to win the Superbowl in 2000, while the Browns have "nevermore" been to any championship.

With the "Browns" curse having no team called the "Browns" to affix itself to, it hovered over the city of Cleveland like the Smog Monster from the Godzilla movies.

Until 1999 when...THE BROWNS WERE BORN AGAIN. New owner, old Browns name, which the curse was DESIGNED for, and it smogged from the sky to embed itself in every fiber of the new organization. They've known heart-ache ever since.

(You're welcome, Cleveland fans. Now you know.)

And Braylon Edwards may still be contaminated. Perhaps the Browns Curse is the reason he dropped all those passes despite his immense talent, and why he's been involved in so many off-field shenanigans.

If so, maybe he's free from that Brown cloud and is the Jets newest hope. Maybe the Jets Curse (if there is one), being the older curse, will out-weigh the Browns Curse, and he'll be cured like the rest of the Jets when I break the curse myself. (full moon attempt failed - see post) Or does the Browns Curse COMPOUND the Jets Curse???

The curse-jury is out for the moment. We'll see how it plays out on the field of battle.

Like all Jet fans, I'm hopeful. But cautious...

Until next time.


Mark J. Williamson article

Edwards Photo

Mangini Photo

Video - #1 Jets Fan Peter

A posting from Director/Producer Wayne Earl:

We (I? there is going to be some serious pronoun confusion)

I thought it'd be fun post some of the interview footage. I could give a long post about why, the thought process, et cetera, et cetera, but really: camera + Jets fans + Mark interviewing = good times.

Peter was the first guy we approached is what happened.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Shame and eternal shame. Nothing but shame.

Just got back from attempting to break the Jets Curse under the full moon on this breezy October night. And I failed.

It's 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Brooklyn New York at 11:53pm, with crystal clear skies (save a wisp of cloud here and there), but the key word above is BREEZY. There is a wind from the west gusting up to 17+ miles per hour, RIGHT across the isle of Manhattan to blast the Brooklyn waterfront along the East River where the attempt was made.

Didn't help that it was a tiny park between two industrial structures that funneled the wind even more.

We used a "How To" website to find the way to break a curse, and I had all the gizmos, gadgets and outfits necessary. The problem on site was, that I had to have a candle lit such that its wax would drip on the ground, and that's where I bury the Jet relic after saying the chant to the moon seven times.

The wind was so fierce that the entire first book of matches failed to light the candle but for a second or two. As there was no WAY I thought we'd run through an entire matchbook, I hadn't brought more.

We went back to my apartment, which is a couple blocks away, and I grabbed a whole bunch. This time Wayne and I chose a rocky drainage ditch in the little park, as it was a sunken area about 2 or 3 feet below the surface of the earth where maybe the flame would last.

It did long enough for me to mutter about one and a half to two of the required chants before the candle went out. And as I'm supposed to let the wax drip to determine the place of burial, I could not put a cup or something on the candle to shield it from the wind. And as I had to hold the paper with the chant on it in my free hand, I couldn't properly shield it myself without setting the instructions on fire.

So it kept going out and though attempts to relight it succeeded, the wind won every time. We accepted that tonight is just not the night. Was not fated to succeed. Much like the Jets themselves today, losing down south to N'awlins 24-10.

The Saints, and the Jets Curse, got us today.

But we'll get them tomorrow.

(or whenever we do the next attempt). You see, there is a caveat in the curse rules we found, that say you can do this ANY night,so long as it's after midnight, and if the need is dire. Which ours is. Especially after today's loss.

So we're not waiting till the next full moon, which is November 2nd I believe. We'll keep you posted on our next attempt, and how it goes.

But we gave it a shot. Next time I'll be better prepared. We'll find the right night and get this done. Until then, the Jets will have to keep battling the curse. (if there is one). They've done it for 40 years. Another couple weeks won't hurt... Or will it? After today...



Thursday, October 1, 2009



Mark here just dropping a line about something very important happening this Sunday.

No I'm not talking about the Jets/Saints game where the Jets are going make their mark on the national map by burying Drew Brees under the turf in N'awlins.

I'm talking about the full moon.

Sunday October 4th is a full moon and I'm going to take advantage of it to conduct a ceremony that should eradicate ANY potential curse on the New York Football Jets.

That's right. I said it.

While I don't know yet if there's an actual curse behind our 40 year drought, and I don't really believe in all that stuff, I'm not taking any chances. I figure I ought to do what I can to help the team, the organization, and all of Jet Nation to a championship.

Wayne and I were trying to find a reliable source for curse removal, like some kind of expert, but it's been hard to find. So we've searched the web and have found one curse removal procedure that looks cool.

It requires a full moon.

Thus, this Sunday night, under the moon and stars, we're going to do our best to rid the Jets of any dark magic that may have been cast upon them in 69'. (I blame someone or some THING in Baltimore)

Of course, a little part of me feels like hey - they're 3-0. Curse averted. Don't mess with the magic. But, as we Jet fans know by now, its exactly when things are going swimmingly that the wheels fall off, explode, then the entire vehicle flips twenty times before exploding, and then the explosions explode.

I want a championship for the Jets so bad, I'm willing to challenge all the curse devils and demons out there. I'll conjure them then KICK THEIR BUTTS into the abyss. I've had enough of these unseen gremlins putting the kibosh on my teams destiny.

We'll keep you posted.

Wish me luck...