Sunday, October 4, 2009


Shame and eternal shame. Nothing but shame.

Just got back from attempting to break the Jets Curse under the full moon on this breezy October night. And I failed.

It's 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Brooklyn New York at 11:53pm, with crystal clear skies (save a wisp of cloud here and there), but the key word above is BREEZY. There is a wind from the west gusting up to 17+ miles per hour, RIGHT across the isle of Manhattan to blast the Brooklyn waterfront along the East River where the attempt was made.

Didn't help that it was a tiny park between two industrial structures that funneled the wind even more.

We used a "How To" website to find the way to break a curse, and I had all the gizmos, gadgets and outfits necessary. The problem on site was, that I had to have a candle lit such that its wax would drip on the ground, and that's where I bury the Jet relic after saying the chant to the moon seven times.

The wind was so fierce that the entire first book of matches failed to light the candle but for a second or two. As there was no WAY I thought we'd run through an entire matchbook, I hadn't brought more.

We went back to my apartment, which is a couple blocks away, and I grabbed a whole bunch. This time Wayne and I chose a rocky drainage ditch in the little park, as it was a sunken area about 2 or 3 feet below the surface of the earth where maybe the flame would last.

It did long enough for me to mutter about one and a half to two of the required chants before the candle went out. And as I'm supposed to let the wax drip to determine the place of burial, I could not put a cup or something on the candle to shield it from the wind. And as I had to hold the paper with the chant on it in my free hand, I couldn't properly shield it myself without setting the instructions on fire.

So it kept going out and though attempts to relight it succeeded, the wind won every time. We accepted that tonight is just not the night. Was not fated to succeed. Much like the Jets themselves today, losing down south to N'awlins 24-10.

The Saints, and the Jets Curse, got us today.

But we'll get them tomorrow.

(or whenever we do the next attempt). You see, there is a caveat in the curse rules we found, that say you can do this ANY night,so long as it's after midnight, and if the need is dire. Which ours is. Especially after today's loss.

So we're not waiting till the next full moon, which is November 2nd I believe. We'll keep you posted on our next attempt, and how it goes.

But we gave it a shot. Next time I'll be better prepared. We'll find the right night and get this done. Until then, the Jets will have to keep battling the curse. (if there is one). They've done it for 40 years. Another couple weeks won't hurt... Or will it? After today...



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