Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Got word today that my oldest brother Mike (of 3 brothers) can't make it to the Jets game with my dad this Sunday, and so I'm filling in. My dad has 2 season tickets he's waited 10 years for, and so he'll go as much as he can, and has asked different family members to join him. Sharing the Jet love.

I look forward to seeing the Jets face the Dolphins. This way I can yell and scream and cheer "J! E! T! S! JETS! JETS! JETS!" Feel I'm the 12th man. Encourage them along with the other 78,000 or so. I have to do SOMETHING to feel involved in their effort. Watching them play the Dolphins last time I got so frustrated I just wanted to fly to Miami, run on the field and break up that dang Wildcat play myself. Charge from the stands and tackle some peeps.

I can say the Jets are gonna kill'm. That they'll shove the wildcat down their throats. But I can't. I have no idea what Jet team will show up. What Jet fan is ever sure? Does that make me a weak fan? Or a REAL Jet fan who's seen enough to know NOT to be sure? Does the doubt I feel, coupled with all the doubt from the millions of other fans permeate the quantum mechanics of the universe and conspire to MAKE the Jets un-excell? Am I partially to blame cause I feel such nags of doubt? Are ALL of us to blame when we don't combine our imagined (forced) certainty?

Is the fact I just wrote all of the above certify me as insane?

Or is it just THE JETS CURSE twisting my football loving life???????

(time will tell)

Mark J. Williamson

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