Friday, October 16, 2009


Since our loss this past Monday night, I've been out hunting wildcats.

Yes the tricky Dolphins (I warned you about their helmets and infinity - see post) ran this crazy damn Nerf football play called "The Wildcat" a million times during the game and it helped mix up our elite defense enough to bring the Dolphins a 31-27 victory.

See footage of the infamous play in question below.

So. We lost to the New Orleans Saints, one of the best in the league, 2 Sundays ago, and now we've lost to our AFC East division rivals the Dolphins, tainting our superb 3-0 start. But here's the thing.

I'm excited we lost these two games.

That's right. You heard me. I'm excited because this is exactly what new head coach Rex Ryan, new quarterback Mark Sanchez and the whole New York Jets team needs after going undefeated in three games.


Playing the Saint's top notch offense and defense has taught them much. And now they've seen enough of this Wildcat offense from Miami to take the animal, tie it up, put it in a box, and cram it down their throats when we play them next time at home.

If we'd WON the last 2 games, we'd be in big trouble. We'd be 5-0, the Cinderella story of the league, all eyes on us, all teams gunning for us, the house of cards growing higher and higher for a more spectacular fall. And as we know, especially with this potentially cursed team, the cards ALWAYS FALL at some point.

And we always rebuild.

Better to rebuild the defense and offense going into week 6 to be ready for ANY upcoming threat, then later in the season when everyone's on pins and needles about when the other shoe will drop.

It's dropped. Now we move on, stronger.



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