Tuesday, October 27, 2009



During a commercial break in the Jets/Raiders game Sunday, Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez was caught on camera eating a stadium dog with mustard. In secret...

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I think it's great. Why is this news-worthy, cameraman/editor Ben asked? (who sent me the link about it, with said question)

I guess it's just something you don't see a lot. Players eating during a game. And a hot dog seems so unhealthy I guess? Like, why couldn't the Jets get him a banana or an orange or something? They spend $50 million on this guy and he's feeling queezy and has to have a concessions guy sneak him a stadium dog? Consuming it like he's committing a crime?

Don't they have state-of-the-art facilities and elite medical staff to swoop down on these guys and give them head to toe diagnostic reports from high-tech machines like military medics? Wouldn't they know he didn't feel well and be around him every moment on the sideline to make sure he's okay or get him something if he needed it?

I guess that's why he snuck it. Sometimes you just want a stadium dog. Who cares what it's made of. Or what it costs. I think he wanted a dog and is making up the whole sickness thing. Don't hide it, Sanchez. Own the dawg.

And how did he pay for it? Did he call to the guy in the crowd and the guy threw it to him and then he pulled his wallet out from his thigh pad? Does he keep a folded $20 in his sweaty sock?

I figured it was some Sanchez California tradition or something. Like when he used to play growing up or in high school his mom would buy him a hot dog after every game, and now that he's back in California for the first time as a pro, he's bringing himself back to the old days to reconnect himself. (that's the story I'm telling myself).

Instead Sanchez apologized, said it was stupid, and that he'd probably get in trouble. Why?

I don't know what the big deal is or why he ate it on the down-low. THAT'S what makes it seem seem weird. He could have just eaten the dawg in the open. Think Rex Ryan would care? He probably ate 50 stadium dogs before, during and after the game. (I hope he doesn't have a heart attack. Seriously. At least not until he wins us a championship).

I kid.


Mark J. Williamson

photo Sanchez, ballhype.com. Hot dog, threadless.com. Ryan, gvnews.com

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