Thursday, November 12, 2009

4-4 vs 4-4 THIS SUNDAY

How do I feel about the Jets 2009 season at present.

Well. I'm not quite sure. I'm glad they're not 0-8. That's for sure. I'm glad I've seen winning streaks and exiting play. (before other teams put the kibosh on all that and now we can't seem to run a single slant pattern, screen, or down field pass greater than 10 yards, especially when we need 15 for a 1st down).

The fact this team is SO irrational leaves me in a weird place. They should have won games they lost, and won games they should have lost. (on paper anyway, but as we know, games are not played on paper.)

So I feel calm. Cool. Collected. Chill. I'm not waving the pom-poms (I don't own pom-poms) nor am I shouting from the rooftops "SUPERBOWL HERE WE COME". I'm also not saying it's over, we suck, we're doomed. Cause you just never know with this team. You never know.

Mark J. Williamson

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