Friday, November 13, 2009


Thought I'd spy on the Jacksonville Jaguars on, and see what's being written about the upcoming game against us. They sure have some interesting things to say.

I didn't know our defense "is number two in the league in overall defense and number two against the pass." That's awesome. The Jaguar offense is ranked 9th of 32 teams in the league, from 20th last year. They're getting good, and it's up to Rex Ryan's defense to shut'm down.

In a blog by Randy Lange on the Jets home page, he wrote Rex Ryan "put out the call" to the howling masses who could put a chill into the Jaguars' offense on Sunday. "We need the enthusiasm from our crowd," Ryan said at the top of today's news conference. "Obviously our team has got to give you a reason to cheer. But we need to get that going.

I'll be there, Ryan. And I'll be cheering. We all will. Just keep your offense and special teams from handing the game to the opposition, and those ANNOYING penalties from piling up. And the cheering will take care of itself long into December.

Mark J. Williamson

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