Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Excited to hear from my dad that I'll be going with him to the Jacksonville Jaguars/Jets game this Sunday. My brother once again could not make it. (not that I'm excited my brother couldn't go of course, just glad I can share more of the Jets season with them and my dad.)

What could be better for our first game back from the bye week? (bye = off week. each team gets one for the 16 week regular season)

We're 4-4. Jaguars are 4-4. EXCITEMENT. ONE team will fall to the losing side of their record, the other toward victory. Which team will it be? Which wants it more?

Personally I feel the Jets have the upper hand. We should win this game. As a Jet fan I should probably be saying we're GOING to win. But then again, I'm a Jet fan. I say they SHOULD win, and I HOPE they will. They certainly have the talent to. But as we've seen the last 40 years with this team, talent ain't got everything to do with it. If so, we'd have at least 5 Superbowl wins since 69'. No joke.

Looking forward to meeting Peter and his crew at 16G for their Thanksgiving Day set-up, which we're honored to share with them, and we look forward to seeing Liz and the all-women tailgaters as well.

I'm already excited about this Sunday. It'll be a blast. Please let it be sunny and warm, and lets kick some Jaguar butt.

Mark J. Williamson

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