Friday, November 20, 2009


Talking to my friend Rob out in California today, he's a New York native who pulls for the Jets from the "Left Coast", about how numb he felt after the 24-22 loss to the Jaguars last week. And how numb we feel at present.

Though doing this documentary and meeting so many passionate fans tail-gating before the games - some of whom are still sure we're winning the Superbowl this year - that's right - THIS YEAR (from your mouth to God's ears...) - I feel like I need to be more cheerful, more up-beat, more hopeful! SAY they're going to win the Superbowl and stuff! Get that excited!!!!!!!!!

But I can't.

As Dr. Joe said in our interview, there's Jet fans and then there's Jet "realists". We know they're gonna look good every year, but they're not gonna BE good.

So for now, I have hopes they can pull an upset over New England and actually stay in the playoff race, but what will actually happen, as we now know by now, is any one's guess. And THAT'S what I'm numb to. The unknown.

No amount of cheering/positivity makes that go away. And so Rob and I remain hopeful, but numb...


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