Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I still feel Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez, and all the other additions to this team since their arrival are positives for this team. I must also remember that the two of them have only had 9 regular season games to get up to speed. Their opponents have had as many seasons under their belts.

And I know too that it's a team effort. Everything doesn't hinge on those two. And the talent from last years 8-3 team is still there. And the losses this year haven't been blow-outs. While it's more frustrating to lose close ones you could have/should have won, the fact they were close is reason to keep on hoping they'll turn the corner.

Wayne sent me an article that Ryan was moved to tears about their loss to the Jaguars. That it inspired the players to run through a brick wall for him. I think that's great. Emotion is a powerful motivator.

Let's see if those emotions carry through practice to the weekend, and if they can run through the red white and blue wall of the New England Patriots.

Go Jets. Beat New England.

Mark J. Williamson

Article about Ryan's emoting below.

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