Saturday, November 28, 2009


I had tons of fun yesterday playing in Turkey Bowl 2, a game I organize with old friends the day after Thanksgiving.

Despite a slight injury to my right heel bone (so if you see me limping tomorrow during tailgating, now you know) my team was victorious. As my team lost the first annual Turkey Bowl, to win this time was sweeter than canned cranberry-sauce.

I attribute my victory not just to my stellar skillz and play-making ability (I closed out the victory with a sack) but to the Jets gear I wore - the Jets baseball hat my dad got me for my birthday, and my #80 Chrebet jersey my dad bought me a million years ago.

And as I see the Jets are favored to win against the Panthers tomorrow, I feel that the victory of one individual on the field of battle in Jets gear will spark other individuals in Jets gear (the actual team), to victory.

And after I break the curse this coming Thursday to solidify victory over the Buffalo Bills, you'll see continued victories the rest of the year, and a triumphant end to this amazing (if not maddening) 2009.

(What Jet season hasn't been maddening in some way shape or form?)

Until next time...


Mark J. Williamson

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