Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Wow these Jets are something. Whether it's the 80's or 90's or 00's, these Jets have never failed to entertain. And drive insane.

Who wants a team that wins all the time? Or lose all the time? No one. (okay, I want constant victories but that can get boring with no challenge to overcome)

But this 2009 has truly encapsulated EVERYTHING it means to be a life-long Jet fan. The ups, the downs, the giving up, the resurgent hope. Everything.

To have EVERYTHING come down to ONE GAME. AND the last game in Giants stadium. Amazing. The football gods may not shower us with championships, but they sure shower us with drama.

I can imagine the Football Zeus on Football Mount Olympus with a marble statue of each team in the league. Some are placed in the position of victory. Some in the position of failure. And once those are decided, he looks to the majority left over and starts to get creative...

The Jets are one such statue, the carved details of the helmet logo worn smooth by his constant manipulation forward and backward, up and down, side to side on the table of fate. He'll put us beside the traditional victors, his favorites, then smack us down to the losers, chipping a piece and splitting some cracks, forgetting about us until he's done moving the others then sees us on our side, forgotten.

Then feeling bad for leaving us there so long he'll whisk us back to the top, but not quite there, rattling the statues together to let them fall where they may. Maybe we wind up victors. Maybe we tumble back down.

Such are the New York Jets.

And if it is indeed between this emotional tug-of-war and perpetual losing, I'd take tug-of-war every time.

And so it continues this Sunday. To bring us the tournament that crowns a World Champion. To have a shot at least. And with all the help we've received from other teams losing the last couple weeks to put us in a position to control our own destiny with a win, perhaps old Football Zeus has something positive in store for us...

Time will tell...


Mark J. Williamson

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