Friday, December 4, 2009


I want to humbly thank all the AMAZING Jet fans and Jet friends who showed up in Times Square to witness the curse-breaking ceremony that I'm proud to say went off without a hitch.

Neither was my soul harvested by a crossroad spirit, nor was I trampled by riot police for burning open flame in public. (granted they were only 3 birthday candles in a foil lined cardboard box).

The event was exciting, the J! E! T! S! cheer shook the ground and I know caused Jet coach Rex Ryan to cock his head in Toronto and ask Sanchez, "Whud wuz that?"

Impressive, and I THANK YOU ALL.

And the Heartland Brewery was equally amazing - the game on the big screen, good food, good friends, some good old fashioned Jets ups and downs, and free, green, "Reverse the Curse" shots courtesy of Greg the GM there. THANK YOU GREG. You and your staff were amazing and we thank you for hosting us.

So we're 6-6. Dead even again. On the upward swing. Our star quarterback is down for the count. Hurt his knee again and didn't play the last quarter or more. I'm not worried. I wish you God-speed, Sanchez. I do. We need you in the pocket, but I know Clemens will toe the line. Or Ainge, now the second string QB. This team is not all Sanchez.

And in all honesty (yes I'm gonna say this), with a stable quarterback, we'll actually be better. Stronger. Faster. We CAN rebuild him. We have the technology. But we'll be fine no matter what. I can feel it in my bones.

And now that any curse/blockage has been removed, things will be looking up from here on in. You wait and see...

Huge thanks to Producer/Director Wayne, Camera Man/Editor Ben, and the ever dangerously talented Scott running additional camera tonight, and to Dan as well. BRAVO. Great work.

Thanks Stags, Maria, Adrienne, Stephen, Amy, Rob, Dinesh, Gaurav, Liz, Sean, Patience, Danielle, Hew, Brian, Joe, Cory, Dennis, and everyone else that made it a night I'll never forget. (you know who you are even if I've not mentioned you here...)

Here's to the next Jet battle, and the next Jet victory.

Curse busted.


Mark J. Williamson

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