Tuesday, December 1, 2009


While it may not be of interest to those who know wins are all important, here's some reasons we Jet fans HAVE to have hope for this team beyond long-time loyalty, family ties, and or sheer stoopidity...

Of all 32 teams in the league, the Jets defense ranks SECOND in fewest yards given up, and SECOND in fewest passing yards given up.

And their offense ranks SECOND in rushing yards. IN ALL THE LEAGUE. And yet are 5-6.

They were 8-3 last year and people spoke of the Superbowl before Favre's arm snapped off and he duct-taped it back on without telling anyone (leading to a million losses and no playoffs), and if Sanchez didn't throw 4 or 5 interceptions a game (he only threw one in Sunday's victory thank gawd) they would easily be 9-2 instead of 5-6 and people'd be talking Superbowl again.

THAT'S why this team is so frustrating, and why you HAVE to keep hoping. You just HAVE to.

Mark J. Williamson

Stats mentioned above: http://www.nfl.com/stats/team

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