Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Just commenting on the fact that the 2009 season is already over and I can't believe it.

We've got three games left before we begin the playoffs. (If Sanchez improves and plays soundly. The defense and running game are playoff ready. Have been all year.)

Seems like yesterday Wayne, Ben and myself began roaming the parking lot before the first pre-season game against St. Louis. It was still warm then, though it's been a mild autumn and winter all told (except for that TERRIBLE Bills game on my birthday October 18th), and when I glanced about for our first interview, I saw Peter and his friends over by his white Hummer with all kinds of tailgating gear out (not their full regular season regalia) and I thought - THOSE guys look like the Jet fans to talk to.

Who knew we'd be coming back again and again to Peter and Moe and Jimmy and Al through the year and become (what I would consider) friends. And we've met so many amazing Jet fans since. It's been quite an adventure.

We've got a mountain of footage already but we've got more to shoot. The Jet story continues to unfold. Three more games, two of them home games before Giants Stadium closes it's doors. (unless we or the Giants play some home playoff games)

We'll be there the last couple games, especially documenting the last tailgating of many fans who will NOT be coming back. The Personal Seat Licensing issue with this new stadium - the Jets and Giants charging a fee, in the thousands of dollars - to maintain their season tickets - pissing so many off that they're done giving the Jets any money on matter of principle.

That final tailgate should be an emotional one indeed for these fans who've done it for 15+ years.

Lots of interesting stuff this year. The end of so many things. The beginning of more.

Can't wait to see how it all unfolds...

Mark J. Williamson

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