Wednesday, December 9, 2009


When I interviewed curse expert Lexa Rosean about why the Jets have slapped me around emotionally my entire life with no championship to make the beating worth-while, we talked about (based on the tarot cards I revealed) how part of the issue is that the Jets have been lacking the strong, dominant male figure that Namath was.

He came into New York like a big-shot and acted like it. Played like it. Sure after the Superbowl his legs fell apart and stats dropped off, (cause he sold his soul to the devil for the one win and legendary status?) but when he got to New York, Broadway Joe was King.

Sure the "New York Sack Exchange" in the 80's (Jets defensive front four of Mark Gastineau, Joe Klecko, Marty Lyons, and Abdul Salaam) had character and clout - but they were more of a package deal. It wasn't the "New York Klecko Exchange".

And sure, Keyshawn Johnson was fired up. But he didn't deliver a championship. None of them have, though some have come close. No one has become an eternal Jet legend on par with Namath. No one.

And that's what Lexa said we may need to move forward. We've been asking fans if they felt Sanchez could be the new Namath. Not just in game-play, but swagger. Character. BAWLS.

And honestly I don't know. He's super humble and intelligent. I dig that. But is that Namath-esque? Not quite. And sure they've both been photograph with scantly clad super-models.

(Namath and Farah Fawcett)

(Sanchez and Someone Hot)

But I mentioned to Lexa after I did the curse breaking ceremony and Sanchez still got hurt, that maybe the new Namath, the new dominant male force on the team is not a player at all. Maybe it's head coach REX RYAN.

Heck, his first name, Rex, MEANS "king" in Latin. What could be clearer than that? Who's the one on the jumbo-tron at the stadium having been quoted at a press conference saying to opposing teams, "You take a swipe at one of ours, we'll take a swipe at two of yours"? REX RYAN.

And check THIS footage out. (click the "BACK" arrow to return to this page after the clip) FIGHT'N WORDS

Who's the mastermind behind the amazing defense we have that ranks #2 overall and #1 against the pass? Who held the undefeated Saints offense to TEN LOUSY POINTS week 4 of this season? KING RYAN.

Sanchez is hurt but I don't feel that's the end of anything. This is the REX RYAN era. Not the Sanchez era. Sanchez is part of the Rex Ryan era.

And if lacking a dominant male figure on the team has been the issue, then we've got that now. In spades.

And the BEST part of that is that he CAN'T be knocked out of the game by a sack or diving head-first to get a first down instead of sliding feet first to stay alive. (time to learn that, Sanchez. You ain't got another knee to spare, and Rex bringing in Joe Girardi, manager of the New York Yankees to teach you how to slide didn't do the trick? You got hot-dogs for brains?) (yes, they brought in Girardi to help)

The only thing that can stop Rex is Rex. Just don't have a heart attack running onto the field. Seriously. Rex, I wish you great health and a long long reign here in New York.
The King is dead.

Long live the Rex.


Mark J. Williamson

More Ryan confidence
Namath and Faucett Noxema Commercial

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