Thursday, December 3, 2009


Tonight I do battle with my old nemesis, The Jets Curse.

WHEN: 6:45pm
WHERE: Times Square, Manhattan. 42nd St. & Broadway, outside ESPN Zone.
WHAT: Mark J. Williamson, lifelong Jet fan, will be breaking any curse the Jets may have upon them that has made their teams, from their best to their worst over the course of my entire life (37 years), to become masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

While I still don't have concrete proof there IS an actual curse on the team, nor would I believe it even if I had such information, I'm SOOOOO tired of them not winning a championship that I'm getting off my butt and doing whatever I can to help. And I implore you to join me, Jet fans. Come on out and lend your positive energy at the crossroads.

We interviewed a curse expert, Lexa Rosean, a few weeks ago and she gave me instructions on how to remove a "blockage" from one clearly "blocked up" team. (watch some of interview and my 1st curse removal attempt at links below).

I will perform the actions she prescribed, and then we'll move from Times Square to the Heartland Brewery on 43rd street to watch the game and interview more Jet fans about just why we do it. Why we keep on and don't just become Giant fans. (though at the rate the Giants are going in 09', they'll be jumping to the Jets sooner than later...)

[cue Giant fans vomiting]

What's on the line tonight? What does this mean to me? I'll show you.

When I went upstate for Thanksgiving with my family, my dad showed me pictures he found that belonged to my grandparents, discovered while sorting out their things that have been stored since they passed away 6 years ago. (can't believe it's 6 already...)

This is my brothers and I on a Christmas morning long ago. My dad had gotten us a New York Jet helmet from the Namath era when they won the Superbowl in 1969. Don't know why we put weird Christmas stickers on it (we were kids for crying out loud) but it was obviously enough of a hit for me to put it on and keep it on while unwrapping other presents. I was probably 8 years old. 1980 or so.

L to R - Me, my brother Tom, my brother Mike. (yes a lot of kids had a side thing for the amazing 70's Steelers.)

My brother Tom and I.
L to R - Tom, David, me.

How could I have known at age 8 that I'd reach 37 and never once see the Jets hold the Vince Lombardi trophy as World Champions? How could I have foreseen all the great teams, great seasons, great chances come crashing down around me?


Join me and send positive Jet energy to Toronto tonight. To energize this team and inspire them to complete and crushing victory, paving the way for a championship to come.

See you in Times Square.


Mark J. Williamson
See my first curse breaking attempt from Oct. 4th below, and blog entry following the disaster...

Video 11 - Mark v Curse


See some of my interview with Lexa Rosean, the curse expert, below.

Video 14 - Lexa the Curse Expert

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