Thursday, December 31, 2009


Braylon Edwards, wide receiver for the New York Jets, has guaranteed a victory over the Cincinnati Bengals this Sunday.

‘‘We won’t lose this game,’’ said Edwards Wednesday before a throng of reporters standing in front of his locker. ‘‘We want it too bad. You can just talk to the guys and get a feel. You can listen to (coach Rex Ryan’s) conviction when he talks to us." MORE

A bold move. Of course it brings back memories of "THE Guarantee", when Namath predicted victory over the Baltimore Colts in Superbowl 3. Namath called it, and the Jets, all of them, backed it up.

Will the same happen Sunday? Braylon Edwards is no Namath. He's still got a lot to prove in my opinion. He wouldn't be on the team or in the NFL if he wasn't talented. But it takes more than talent to win championships.

And more than bold words. I feel that knowing your fate is in your hands is more inspiring than if you went into your last game needing help from other teams.

And the fact the Bengals are already in the playoffs thus do not have to play their starters the whole game in order to prevent injury, this improves our chances. One team playing for their playoff life is always going to play harder than one who's already in. My opinion, but that's what I feel.

So is Braylon being cocky? I don't think so. I feel the Jets have a chance to win this game WITH Bengal starters in there.

We'll find out Sunday my friends...

Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Mark J. Williamson

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