Monday, December 21, 2009


My friend Brian wrote the following to me on Facebook in response to my status update "Blast. Another close Jet defeat. Curse Sh'murse."

BRIAN: Think it is better to not make the playoffs this year and get stomped by much better teams. Next year will be much better.

MARK (response): Agreed. They're clearly not good enough anyway. Not completely. It is frustrating to have been 8-3 last year and people talking Superbowl and then, while I like the investment in a franchise QB, maybe they should have just gotten a reliable veteran for a one or two year contract THEN go for the long-term investment.

This team was ready to compete last year, IS ready to compete this year. Going into this Sunday our defense was ranked #1 IN THE LEAGUE. #1 against the pass, and our running game was #1 IN THE LEAGUE. If we had a solid passing game this year, we'd have won at least 4 close ones we lost (out of 5 I'd say, though we could have won all 5 close ones) and we'd be 12-3 right now and the talk of the AFC. I really believe that.

That's what's so frustrating about this team. Always the chance they could be really great, but then they sign players and or perform like they have never been to a football game in their lives.

I agree next year will be better. It has to be. And what the defense and running game has accomplished - let's just hope they can keep that up by the time the passing game and special teams figure it out.


Mark J. Williamson

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