Monday, December 28, 2009

Jets fan Liz encapsalates the entire fan one email

Mark hasn't had a chance to chime in yet (probably still celebrating from yesterday) however Jets fan Liz emailed me and...well...I'll let her email speak (write?) for itself:

Really schedule makers? 8:20? It's hard enough being a Jets fan. And having the added pressure of having only to win to make the playoffs. And having it be the final game in the Meadowlands. Sigh. I'm depressed already because I will bitch all week about not wanting to go, drag myself out there because I feel like I "HAVE" to, and then hate myself, the team, the coach, the fans, the annoying Jets rep who keeps leaving me voicemails to tour the stadium, and me again when we lose in the 4th quarter on some dumbass blown coverage.

That being said. I guess we'll get to the stadium around 3:30. I'm sure it will be freezing rain with swirling winds.

Like I said. One email. One full encapsalation.

Wayne Earl

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