Thursday, December 31, 2009


Braylon Edwards, wide receiver for the New York Jets, has guaranteed a victory over the Cincinnati Bengals this Sunday.

‘‘We won’t lose this game,’’ said Edwards Wednesday before a throng of reporters standing in front of his locker. ‘‘We want it too bad. You can just talk to the guys and get a feel. You can listen to (coach Rex Ryan’s) conviction when he talks to us." MORE

A bold move. Of course it brings back memories of "THE Guarantee", when Namath predicted victory over the Baltimore Colts in Superbowl 3. Namath called it, and the Jets, all of them, backed it up.

Will the same happen Sunday? Braylon Edwards is no Namath. He's still got a lot to prove in my opinion. He wouldn't be on the team or in the NFL if he wasn't talented. But it takes more than talent to win championships.

And more than bold words. I feel that knowing your fate is in your hands is more inspiring than if you went into your last game needing help from other teams.

And the fact the Bengals are already in the playoffs thus do not have to play their starters the whole game in order to prevent injury, this improves our chances. One team playing for their playoff life is always going to play harder than one who's already in. My opinion, but that's what I feel.

So is Braylon being cocky? I don't think so. I feel the Jets have a chance to win this game WITH Bengal starters in there.

We'll find out Sunday my friends...

Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Mark J. Williamson

Video - The FDNY Shirt

We're sentimental people over here - who else would follow a football fan around? Trish and Nick explained how they met in the parking lot and why Woody will probably never understand Jets fans.

Wayne Earl

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Wow these Jets are something. Whether it's the 80's or 90's or 00's, these Jets have never failed to entertain. And drive insane.

Who wants a team that wins all the time? Or lose all the time? No one. (okay, I want constant victories but that can get boring with no challenge to overcome)

But this 2009 has truly encapsulated EVERYTHING it means to be a life-long Jet fan. The ups, the downs, the giving up, the resurgent hope. Everything.

To have EVERYTHING come down to ONE GAME. AND the last game in Giants stadium. Amazing. The football gods may not shower us with championships, but they sure shower us with drama.

I can imagine the Football Zeus on Football Mount Olympus with a marble statue of each team in the league. Some are placed in the position of victory. Some in the position of failure. And once those are decided, he looks to the majority left over and starts to get creative...

The Jets are one such statue, the carved details of the helmet logo worn smooth by his constant manipulation forward and backward, up and down, side to side on the table of fate. He'll put us beside the traditional victors, his favorites, then smack us down to the losers, chipping a piece and splitting some cracks, forgetting about us until he's done moving the others then sees us on our side, forgotten.

Then feeling bad for leaving us there so long he'll whisk us back to the top, but not quite there, rattling the statues together to let them fall where they may. Maybe we wind up victors. Maybe we tumble back down.

Such are the New York Jets.

And if it is indeed between this emotional tug-of-war and perpetual losing, I'd take tug-of-war every time.

And so it continues this Sunday. To bring us the tournament that crowns a World Champion. To have a shot at least. And with all the help we've received from other teams losing the last couple weeks to put us in a position to control our own destiny with a win, perhaps old Football Zeus has something positive in store for us...

Time will tell...


Mark J. Williamson

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I know Leon Washington is out for the year and hasn't been part of the recent Jet adventures, of which I'll have more to say before this weekend's pivotal game against the Bengals, but Wayne forwarded me this and it's too priceless not to share.

"After we warm up before a game, I gotta take a dump. It's a huge benefit to release that gas you don't need. The facilities are beautiful. We're spoiled. If I get a good one, I know I'm gonna score two touchdowns."
-- Jets running back Leon Washington


Monday, December 28, 2009

Jets fan Liz encapsalates the entire fan one email

Mark hasn't had a chance to chime in yet (probably still celebrating from yesterday) however Jets fan Liz emailed me and...well...I'll let her email speak (write?) for itself:

Really schedule makers? 8:20? It's hard enough being a Jets fan. And having the added pressure of having only to win to make the playoffs. And having it be the final game in the Meadowlands. Sigh. I'm depressed already because I will bitch all week about not wanting to go, drag myself out there because I feel like I "HAVE" to, and then hate myself, the team, the coach, the fans, the annoying Jets rep who keeps leaving me voicemails to tour the stadium, and me again when we lose in the 4th quarter on some dumbass blown coverage.

That being said. I guess we'll get to the stadium around 3:30. I'm sure it will be freezing rain with swirling winds.

Like I said. One email. One full encapsalation.

Wayne Earl

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well folks this is it.

By the time I lay my head on my pillow tonight, I'll know if the 2009 campaign is kaput, or if my green and white optimism continues to flourish.

And to mark the occasion, I've invited my brothers and sister over to my parents to watch the Jets/Colts game. Wayne will be here to capture this crucial Jet fan experience.

How will it turn out?

Knowing the history of this wacky team, we're due to win this game we're supposed to lose.

Who knows. Will the undefeated Colts play all their players? Are they willing as competitors to allow a loss by playing second stringers to protect the health if their first? Do we want that or want a shot at the first string Colts to see what we're really made of? (as if losing to Atlanta didn't reveal that? Am I insane?)

Maybe. Maybe. But, like every year before this one as a Jet fan, I have to say, "I've come this far... Have to keep fight'n..."

And so I shall.

GO JETS. BEAT INDY. (whoever they put on the field)

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Dear Santa,

These are the following things I'd like for Christmas. I feel I've been a good boy this year. (the incident with the flight attendants was NOT what it looked like... Okay. Yes it was...)

I want a couple new knees for quarterback Mark Sanchez. (assembly not required please)

I want good health for coach Rex Ryan. Also for the entire defense, the offensive line, okay for the who darn team.

I want a 41-0 victory over the Colts complete with five touchdown passes.

I want all the teams that have to lose to help the Jets to a playoff spot, to lose.

I want the Jets to win their last game as well, make the playoffs, and go on a winning streak that takes them to the Superbowl, the underdogs once more.


Oh Santa make it so. Put your elves to work, and if I don't get what I want, or worse, get lumps of coal, you're getting another letter. And it will NOT have the same kind language in it.

I know where you live. (the region of the planet anyway). DON'T cross me. I'm a frustrated Jet fan. There's no telling how I'll snap...




Mark J. Williamson

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I could say we're not in the playoffs.

I could say we don't deserve to be.

We're not good enough even if we made it.

But the fascinating thing about this team is that even with ALL their close losses, with their LAUGHABLE game-play in 2009, there's STILL a chance. They STILL give you hope.

They'd need help. Certain teams have to lose and they have to win their last 2 games to make it. But it's possible.

And as a Jet fan, what can you do but keep hoping? Keep praying? Keep looking for the silver lining to our darkening Jet-cloud?

We're STILL the number one defense in the league. We're STILL number one against the pass, going up against the best passing team in the league - an undefeated one at that. STILL the number one running team.

And this is JUST the kind of game the Jets have won in the past, against all odds. We beat the Colts up 41-0 in 2002 which was a shocker. No one knows what will happen. And that's why we keep getting sucked back in.

Every fan that has abandoned them in frustration will flock back when they beat the hell out of the Colts this Sunday. Will they really do it? I don't know of course. (crystal ball's in the shop)


A loss Sunday and we're done. But as always with this way too dramatic team, we have one last gasp...


Mark J. Williamson

Monday, December 21, 2009


My friend Brian wrote the following to me on Facebook in response to my status update "Blast. Another close Jet defeat. Curse Sh'murse."

BRIAN: Think it is better to not make the playoffs this year and get stomped by much better teams. Next year will be much better.

MARK (response): Agreed. They're clearly not good enough anyway. Not completely. It is frustrating to have been 8-3 last year and people talking Superbowl and then, while I like the investment in a franchise QB, maybe they should have just gotten a reliable veteran for a one or two year contract THEN go for the long-term investment.

This team was ready to compete last year, IS ready to compete this year. Going into this Sunday our defense was ranked #1 IN THE LEAGUE. #1 against the pass, and our running game was #1 IN THE LEAGUE. If we had a solid passing game this year, we'd have won at least 4 close ones we lost (out of 5 I'd say, though we could have won all 5 close ones) and we'd be 12-3 right now and the talk of the AFC. I really believe that.

That's what's so frustrating about this team. Always the chance they could be really great, but then they sign players and or perform like they have never been to a football game in their lives.

I agree next year will be better. It has to be. And what the defense and running game has accomplished - let's just hope they can keep that up by the time the passing game and special teams figure it out.


Mark J. Williamson

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Before I mention the Jets, I want to say thank you to all the amazing Jet fans who braved the cold, snow and slush and welcomed us into their tents, showing us how they conquer the cold. We had an amazing day in the sunny snow before the game.


Now. The Jets. What can I say. They sure do find more and more creative ways to lose football games this year. Sure Sanchez is still learning and this is to be expected. But the kicking game? They working for the other side?

I already heard from one friend that the Jets Curse is alive and well despite my Curse-Breaking ceremony December 3rd before the Thursday night Jets/Bills game.

Let me be clear. The curse removal which was done as a "just in case", was geared around the Jets WINNING THE SUPERBOWL at some point. Key here is AT SOME POINT.

Sure they won the game that night, and every game since then. But I didn't ask the god of the crossroad (who I addressed in the curse removal ceremony) to make them go undefeated or anything. (gosh I guess I should have...) NO. I asked to have the blockage - that we witnessed today - removed and have the way opened to win the Superbowl.

Perhaps the way will be open. Eventually. But again. That was just in case. Just trying to take some action to help the team instead of sitting around and pulling my slowly graying hair out. (the Jets are responsible for all of them, I'm sure of it).

So we continue to hunt for the reasons behind such performances as today. It defies explanation. And STILL to have SO many things go wrong and STILL be so close. Shows how good the defense really is, and I'll have to take that to heart and build my hope for the future upon it.


Mark J. Williamson

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Oh look at it snow...

Sitting here in Brooklyn and the winds of fury are unleashing upon the Big Apple with abandon. Snow is howling down from the heavens and slowly piling up.

This is good.

The Atlanta Falcons, our opponent Sunday, are not just from Georgia where it's no where near as cold as here Yankee land (I mean Yankee in both ways it can mean), AND they play in a safe snug little DOME.

They'll have a whale of a time in this freezing, post-blizzard reality.

Hey Rex, break out some sled packages on third and long. Or hitch up the team to your one-horse open SLAY. I'm dream'n of a FIGHT Christmas.

(that's all the corny puns I can think of at the moment)


Mark J. Williamson

Friday, December 18, 2009

Video 21 - The Frequent Flier

It is pretty amazing how far teams (literally) will go to see the Jets. I'm not talking Super Bowl or play-offs, I'm talking about the regular season.

Wayne Earl

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Finally have some pictures from the Jets Curse Breaking Ceremony I conducted in Times Square Thursday December 3rd, 2009, bef0re we beat the snot out of Buffalo up in Toronto.

I thank again all my fellow curse-breakers who unleashed a J! E! T! S! JETS! JETS! JETS! chant so loud that it shook the island, and helped break the curse (if there is one) that's blocked up the Jets over the last four decades.


Mark J. Williamson


Lighting the candles.

Offering three pennies to the god of the crossroad...

Appealing to the gods to open the way for the Jets to win the Superbowl...


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Video 20 - Peter Predicts the Jets Season (from Nov 29)

On November 29th Peter gave us a Jets prediction. It kind of scared us. In a good way.


Wayne Earl


Just commenting on the fact that the 2009 season is already over and I can't believe it.

We've got three games left before we begin the playoffs. (If Sanchez improves and plays soundly. The defense and running game are playoff ready. Have been all year.)

Seems like yesterday Wayne, Ben and myself began roaming the parking lot before the first pre-season game against St. Louis. It was still warm then, though it's been a mild autumn and winter all told (except for that TERRIBLE Bills game on my birthday October 18th), and when I glanced about for our first interview, I saw Peter and his friends over by his white Hummer with all kinds of tailgating gear out (not their full regular season regalia) and I thought - THOSE guys look like the Jet fans to talk to.

Who knew we'd be coming back again and again to Peter and Moe and Jimmy and Al through the year and become (what I would consider) friends. And we've met so many amazing Jet fans since. It's been quite an adventure.

We've got a mountain of footage already but we've got more to shoot. The Jet story continues to unfold. Three more games, two of them home games before Giants Stadium closes it's doors. (unless we or the Giants play some home playoff games)

We'll be there the last couple games, especially documenting the last tailgating of many fans who will NOT be coming back. The Personal Seat Licensing issue with this new stadium - the Jets and Giants charging a fee, in the thousands of dollars - to maintain their season tickets - pissing so many off that they're done giving the Jets any money on matter of principle.

That final tailgate should be an emotional one indeed for these fans who've done it for 15+ years.

Lots of interesting stuff this year. The end of so many things. The beginning of more.

Can't wait to see how it all unfolds...

Mark J. Williamson

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Video 19 - The Case of the Cursed Jersey

Jim is one of our favorite fans - you'll see more of him and his son Jimmy in the future - and dang it, he is smart. (At least according to us).

Wayne Earl


Look at all that GREEEEEN... [click link, right. "Back" arrow to return to blog] JETS #1 TEAM STATS

Gives me hope. If they can just get this damn passing game together and get Sanchez working on all cylinders, they could REALLY be good. They ARE really good.

My friend Paul mentioned the Jets lost four games this season by a combined total of 12 points. That's four games that could have easily gone our way (if not for Sanchez's newness) and we'd be 12-2. No joke. That's how close to amazing this team is, despite it all.


THIS is why we hang on to hope. And RIGHTFULLY.


Mark J. Williamson

Monday, December 14, 2009

Video 18 - The Guard Dog

Injuries happen (or so I'm told) and Dog shows a commit to seeing that game that is hard to believe.




Should have been 47 to 3 today, but the New York Football Jets are undefeated in their last three games. Reminds me of the undefeated streak they started the season with.

It wasn't always pretty today, but they got it done. 26-3 over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Next up, the Atlanta Falcons here in the freezing cold of December. Hopefully this dome playing team (they play in the Georgia Dome) will have a hard time of it without their snuggy-warm football facility. (COWARDS!)

Sanchez should be rip-roar'n ready to compete, and Clemens will be back to doing what he appears to do best. Back up the starter. I like Clemens but come on dood. Those throws were pretty awful.

I think of Tom Brady coming in to replace Drew Bledsoe in New England and playing like a Champion out of the gate. Proved his starter status so convincingly the Patriots never looked back. Or Cassel when Brady when down last year. Stellar. Or Henne coming in for Pennington in Miami. Super. On fire. Leading the team like he should have been the starter from the start.

Clemens? Looks like he hasn't played AT ALL since 2007. (his last starting game)

But, victory is victory. And victory is sweet.


Mark J. Williamson

Friday, December 11, 2009


Wanted to mention a small detail about the curse breaking ceremony I performed in Times Square Thursday December 3rd before we beat the Bills in Toronto.

One of the steps provided by curse expert Lexa Rosean was to drop three pennies in the crossroad. (Times Square). I figured, no sweat. I've got pennies all over the place. Or someone there would have pennies no doubt.

But then I said to myself, no. I can't just drop any pennies. I must use this opportunity to offer up pennies with significant years in Jets history. To release them and the energy associated with them.

So, I dug through my current penny collection (I save change I come home with during the day in a jar that I hope to apply to a vacation somewhere down the line), and I found many different years with interesting connections.

The three I hunted for first, and thus went with for the ceremony (though others popped up in my searching), were the following:

In 1982 I was ten years old. The Jets, with Richard Todd at quarterback, advanced to the AFC Championship game - the game that decides who represents the American Football Conference (AFC) in the Superbowl against the National Football Conference (NFC) team.

We played the Miami Dolphins in Miami, in a game now known as "The Mud Bowl". We were down 7-0 the whole game, and were driving late in the game to tie it when Richard Todd threw like his 700th interception that game, straight over the middle and into the arms of Miami defender A. J. Duhe (Doo-ee).

Ended the Jet drive, sealed Miami's win, and broke my ten year old heart. This being one of the only two times we got that close to the Superbowl, this was one year that had to be released.

Our second and only other trip to the AFC Championship game in my lifetime. I was 26 years old. (oh where did my youth go?)

We're winning 10-0 against the Denver Broncos, IN Denver, and I could NOT have been more excited. Visions of Vince Lombardi Trophies were dancing in my head. So excited I could explode. The ten year old me, and every other year old me was screaming and ready to burst.

Then BAM. Jets Curse (or SOME unexplained force of negativity) attacks the Jets and they give up TWENTY THREE DAMN POINTS to Denver, NEVER SCORING AGAIN THE WHOLE GAME.

We lose 23-10. No Superbowl.

Why release a penny from the season where the Jets won their first and only Superbowl? Hoisting the trophy in January of 1969? Two reasons.

One, because it IS our only Superbowl appearance and victory, and as a great victory, it should be remembered.

Two, because it is our only Superbowl appearance and victory. And because Joe Namath is our only truly legendary hero. Sure I see Klecko and Gastineau and Chrebet jerseys at the field and I love them. But the only quarterback jersey I see consistently, and the only one from the 68' Jets, is Namath.

He's a great hero but we need a new one. We need a new #12. A new jersey to be forever associated with a Jet championship. One that guys will be wearing forty years from now like Namath's #12 is forty years after his victory.

And so for that reason, I let go of Superbowl III. As victory and moment we should no longer look back to, but instead look forward to the next victory. Throw our energy forward to new glories for this team and the fans who love them.


Mark J. Williamson

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Sharing a pic my dad just sent me today of the Jet flag he ordered recently.

He had a Yankee flag up and they won the world series this year. Maybe this will help the Jets to victory.

Looks great Dad. Great pic. (I can imagine my dad standing in the cold, waiting for the right wind-gust to best display the flag.)


Mark J. Williamson

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


When I interviewed curse expert Lexa Rosean about why the Jets have slapped me around emotionally my entire life with no championship to make the beating worth-while, we talked about (based on the tarot cards I revealed) how part of the issue is that the Jets have been lacking the strong, dominant male figure that Namath was.

He came into New York like a big-shot and acted like it. Played like it. Sure after the Superbowl his legs fell apart and stats dropped off, (cause he sold his soul to the devil for the one win and legendary status?) but when he got to New York, Broadway Joe was King.

Sure the "New York Sack Exchange" in the 80's (Jets defensive front four of Mark Gastineau, Joe Klecko, Marty Lyons, and Abdul Salaam) had character and clout - but they were more of a package deal. It wasn't the "New York Klecko Exchange".

And sure, Keyshawn Johnson was fired up. But he didn't deliver a championship. None of them have, though some have come close. No one has become an eternal Jet legend on par with Namath. No one.

And that's what Lexa said we may need to move forward. We've been asking fans if they felt Sanchez could be the new Namath. Not just in game-play, but swagger. Character. BAWLS.

And honestly I don't know. He's super humble and intelligent. I dig that. But is that Namath-esque? Not quite. And sure they've both been photograph with scantly clad super-models.

(Namath and Farah Fawcett)

(Sanchez and Someone Hot)

But I mentioned to Lexa after I did the curse breaking ceremony and Sanchez still got hurt, that maybe the new Namath, the new dominant male force on the team is not a player at all. Maybe it's head coach REX RYAN.

Heck, his first name, Rex, MEANS "king" in Latin. What could be clearer than that? Who's the one on the jumbo-tron at the stadium having been quoted at a press conference saying to opposing teams, "You take a swipe at one of ours, we'll take a swipe at two of yours"? REX RYAN.

And check THIS footage out. (click the "BACK" arrow to return to this page after the clip) FIGHT'N WORDS

Who's the mastermind behind the amazing defense we have that ranks #2 overall and #1 against the pass? Who held the undefeated Saints offense to TEN LOUSY POINTS week 4 of this season? KING RYAN.

Sanchez is hurt but I don't feel that's the end of anything. This is the REX RYAN era. Not the Sanchez era. Sanchez is part of the Rex Ryan era.

And if lacking a dominant male figure on the team has been the issue, then we've got that now. In spades.

And the BEST part of that is that he CAN'T be knocked out of the game by a sack or diving head-first to get a first down instead of sliding feet first to stay alive. (time to learn that, Sanchez. You ain't got another knee to spare, and Rex bringing in Joe Girardi, manager of the New York Yankees to teach you how to slide didn't do the trick? You got hot-dogs for brains?) (yes, they brought in Girardi to help)

The only thing that can stop Rex is Rex. Just don't have a heart attack running onto the field. Seriously. Rex, I wish you great health and a long long reign here in New York.
The King is dead.

Long live the Rex.


Mark J. Williamson

More Ryan confidence
Namath and Faucett Noxema Commercial

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Word on the street is that Jets starting quarterback Mark Sanchez, who hurt one knee a couple games ago, then for fun, hurt the other knee last game, is said to have been tossing the ball around briefly in practice before going to get his knees worked on.

He's probable for the game this Sunday in Tampa Bay, though he'll be wearing TWO knee braces. He's worn one on his old trick knee he hurt in college, but now he'll be wearing TWO.

He'll look like a SACHEZ-BOT.

(One-legged Sanchez-bot, from his college days @ USC)

When asked if any QB's have worn 2 braces in a game before, Jets coach Rex Ryan said Joe Namath...

(Above: Namath-bot. Note 2 knee braces.)

And Miami legend Dan Marino...

(Above: Marino-bot. Note 2 knee braces.)

Two GREAT quarterbacks. BOTH however wearing braces so big they look and move like robots AT THE END OF THEIR CAREERS. NOT something you want your 23 year old rookie doing YEAR ONE.

One big hit he can't escape, or because he flinches in anticipation of knee-agony and BAM. There goes our 50 million dollar California golden-boy.

I say rest him a game. Let the dood heal. Not to mention he's not taken full repetitions with the team in practice. He's been inside using the thigh-master. (and rightfully so)

Let Clemens run the offense and that awesome running game, peppering in some long throws that he's got the arm for. I saw him lead the Jets to victory over the Steelers last year at the stadium (the only game I got to that year - was before my dad got 2 upper deck season tix) and he did great. He's got the stuff enough to run the show.

(Above: Left, 1/2 Sanchez-bot. Right, NON Clemens-bot)

Get well Sanchez and God Speed. We need you for the long haul. Rest up for the Falcons, Colts and Bengals. Clemens can take on Tampa. (they're 1-11)

But if Rex plays you, I prescribe this (as fan doctor). Run down to Ybor City before the game. They'll fix you up REAL good. You won't feel a thing...

(those of you who know Ybor City, you know the deal. Others, here's a clip. I leave the more racy clips for you to explore...) Ybor City Clip (3:47)


Mark J. Williamson

Namath Pic
Marino Pic
Sanchez USC pic

Monday, December 7, 2009


Great news. The Jets defense and running game are ranked NUMBER ONE IN THE ENTIRE NFL.

Granted, at the time of this posting the Green Bay Packers have yet to play the Baltimore Ravens tonight on Monday Night Football, and if they keep the Ravens to less than 220 yards, Green Bay (currently the #2 defense) will be number one and we'll stay at two, which we were going into this week.

But to have the NUMBER ONE RANKED DEFENSE? We also rank FIRST against the pass specifically, and on offense, our running game is FIRST IN THE LEAGUE.

I know victories are what we want more of, but there's nothing we can do about the past. Nothing the Jets can do but KEEP WINNING FOOTBALL GAMES. They've done plenty by winning their last 2 games convincingly, AND they did it with Sanchez out most of the second half last game against Buffalo.

But overall I'm taking this moment to say GO JETS. GO REX RYAN. CONGRATULATIONS DEFENSE. CONGRATULATIONS OFFENSE for achieving such a great distinction that WILL CONTINUE to translate into victories and improved game-play.

And with Miami playing some tough teams (so do we) and New England not playing so well, ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE.

Which is WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A JET FAN. So we're right back where we started. Where we've always started. And towards hope, optimism, and defiance we march once again...


Mark J. Williamson

More on the Jets #1 rankings:

Video 17 - Deep Frying a Turkey at Giants Stadium

Peter and his parking lot crew of Jimmy, Jim, Moe, Al, and everyone else have been so generous this year. They took it to another step when they invited us to come by for some turkey. Deep fried turkey. I'm from the Northeast I only know two things about deep frying turkeys 1) It is supposed to be tasty, and 2) It is the Number 1 Thanksgiving Day injury (okay, maybe top 5).


Wayne Earl

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Thinking back to Thursday December 3rd and the curse breaking ceremony in Times Square, I still feel good about it.

Sure Sanchez is hurt. But I'm not worried. No feelings of dread or "here we go again..." whatsoever. Our defense is #2 in the league. Our running game #2. No matter who's in the pocket, we'll be fine.

I know we've got an interesting few games left. Tampa. Atlanta. Indianapolis. Cincinnati. But we're a good team. And I feel they'll play well the rest of the way.

Winning these last 2 games is setting them on the road to a playoff chance. The league is so spotty this year. Lots of teams hovering around .500. That leaves room for surprise teams to make surprise runs.

I can't tell what'll happen of course, but I know for a fact this team has the talent and ability to be there. No one can doubt it.

And I've done my part. Along with a great bunch of Jet fans and friends in Times Square.

Cops came by and I saw them out of the corner of my eye and I was sure they'd bust us up - especially cause I had to light 3 candles and I figured they'd be afraid I'd set Times Square on fire. But Wayne intercepted them and told them what we were up to and after I finished the ceremony, the cops headed on their way and one waved and said, "Thank you. Thank you for doing this."

He was a Jet fan.

But we're on the upward swing now, Jet Nation. I feel it in my bones. I know I may be a fool, but I can't help it. I'm going to ride the positive energy - and ANY negative energy YOU may feel regarding this team - let it go. No more holding on to the negativity of the past. Of even this season. Ever game is a new game. Every day a new one.

Let's live in the moment and ride the tide with hope, with confidence, and with excitement that we'll see the talent we know this team possesses, and that it will upset the league this year. No matter the result.

The 2009 season is still alive and well. Let's finish it out strong.


Mark J. Williamson

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Video 16 - Collecting Autographs & The Jets Nuts

We've seen a lot of really cool "Jets Bus" but we managed to get a conversation with the originators.


Wayne Earl

Friday, December 4, 2009


I want to humbly thank all the AMAZING Jet fans and Jet friends who showed up in Times Square to witness the curse-breaking ceremony that I'm proud to say went off without a hitch.

Neither was my soul harvested by a crossroad spirit, nor was I trampled by riot police for burning open flame in public. (granted they were only 3 birthday candles in a foil lined cardboard box).

The event was exciting, the J! E! T! S! cheer shook the ground and I know caused Jet coach Rex Ryan to cock his head in Toronto and ask Sanchez, "Whud wuz that?"

Impressive, and I THANK YOU ALL.

And the Heartland Brewery was equally amazing - the game on the big screen, good food, good friends, some good old fashioned Jets ups and downs, and free, green, "Reverse the Curse" shots courtesy of Greg the GM there. THANK YOU GREG. You and your staff were amazing and we thank you for hosting us.

So we're 6-6. Dead even again. On the upward swing. Our star quarterback is down for the count. Hurt his knee again and didn't play the last quarter or more. I'm not worried. I wish you God-speed, Sanchez. I do. We need you in the pocket, but I know Clemens will toe the line. Or Ainge, now the second string QB. This team is not all Sanchez.

And in all honesty (yes I'm gonna say this), with a stable quarterback, we'll actually be better. Stronger. Faster. We CAN rebuild him. We have the technology. But we'll be fine no matter what. I can feel it in my bones.

And now that any curse/blockage has been removed, things will be looking up from here on in. You wait and see...

Huge thanks to Producer/Director Wayne, Camera Man/Editor Ben, and the ever dangerously talented Scott running additional camera tonight, and to Dan as well. BRAVO. Great work.

Thanks Stags, Maria, Adrienne, Stephen, Amy, Rob, Dinesh, Gaurav, Liz, Sean, Patience, Danielle, Hew, Brian, Joe, Cory, Dennis, and everyone else that made it a night I'll never forget. (you know who you are even if I've not mentioned you here...)

Here's to the next Jet battle, and the next Jet victory.

Curse busted.


Mark J. Williamson

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Tonight I do battle with my old nemesis, The Jets Curse.

WHEN: 6:45pm
WHERE: Times Square, Manhattan. 42nd St. & Broadway, outside ESPN Zone.
WHAT: Mark J. Williamson, lifelong Jet fan, will be breaking any curse the Jets may have upon them that has made their teams, from their best to their worst over the course of my entire life (37 years), to become masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

While I still don't have concrete proof there IS an actual curse on the team, nor would I believe it even if I had such information, I'm SOOOOO tired of them not winning a championship that I'm getting off my butt and doing whatever I can to help. And I implore you to join me, Jet fans. Come on out and lend your positive energy at the crossroads.

We interviewed a curse expert, Lexa Rosean, a few weeks ago and she gave me instructions on how to remove a "blockage" from one clearly "blocked up" team. (watch some of interview and my 1st curse removal attempt at links below).

I will perform the actions she prescribed, and then we'll move from Times Square to the Heartland Brewery on 43rd street to watch the game and interview more Jet fans about just why we do it. Why we keep on and don't just become Giant fans. (though at the rate the Giants are going in 09', they'll be jumping to the Jets sooner than later...)

[cue Giant fans vomiting]

What's on the line tonight? What does this mean to me? I'll show you.

When I went upstate for Thanksgiving with my family, my dad showed me pictures he found that belonged to my grandparents, discovered while sorting out their things that have been stored since they passed away 6 years ago. (can't believe it's 6 already...)

This is my brothers and I on a Christmas morning long ago. My dad had gotten us a New York Jet helmet from the Namath era when they won the Superbowl in 1969. Don't know why we put weird Christmas stickers on it (we were kids for crying out loud) but it was obviously enough of a hit for me to put it on and keep it on while unwrapping other presents. I was probably 8 years old. 1980 or so.

L to R - Me, my brother Tom, my brother Mike. (yes a lot of kids had a side thing for the amazing 70's Steelers.)

My brother Tom and I.
L to R - Tom, David, me.

How could I have known at age 8 that I'd reach 37 and never once see the Jets hold the Vince Lombardi trophy as World Champions? How could I have foreseen all the great teams, great seasons, great chances come crashing down around me?


Join me and send positive Jet energy to Toronto tonight. To energize this team and inspire them to complete and crushing victory, paving the way for a championship to come.

See you in Times Square.


Mark J. Williamson
See my first curse breaking attempt from Oct. 4th below, and blog entry following the disaster...

Video 11 - Mark v Curse


See some of my interview with Lexa Rosean, the curse expert, below.

Video 14 - Lexa the Curse Expert

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Had a great deal of fun meeting Gary Hoenig, general manager and editor-in-chief of ESPN Publishing, and ESPN The Magazine Editor Gary Belsky on-air today at 12:40pm on Sirius/XM satellite radio, broadcasting from the ESPN Zone in Times Square, New York City.

It was a lot of fun and I'm eternally grateful for those guys taking the time to hear me out and catch the vibe of what we're up to this year, and how, quite simply, we're taking action to help our team win a damn championship.

It was funny cause while Hoenig is a Jet fan, Belsky is not (Cardinals) and asked me, "Who ARE you? What are you DOING here?", which is a valid question indeed. It was great to get a chance to explain what we're up to.

Which quite simply is this: WHY AM I A JET FAN? Why are ANY of us Jet fans? No championships, no legends since Namath - OVER FORTY YEARS AGO - and despite exciting flashes of brilliance, which give us hope for the future, they've mastered the art of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Some say boo-hoo. Lots of teams in the NFL suck, and moreso historically than the Jets. At least we've got a Superbowl appearance/win to hang our helmet on.

But the following is a fact about the New York Jets that is different than ANY other team in the Union.

New York is the ONLY city with two football teams. Other cities with one team, THAT'S your team. Good or bad, you're stuck with'm. Or you root for another city. New York fans? We have an OPTION of who to root for. But I'm with the green and white.


I was born into a Jet family. Again, boo-hoo. The Giants have won THREE Superbowls in my lifetime. All I've had to do is jump on board the Big Blue bus. But I haven't. I have my reasons.

My family. My dad. My brothers. The hours and hours we've spent on chilly autumn Sundays hoping against all hope the Jets would be the best. World Champions. Then the DEFENDING Superbowl champions. And the heartache with each failure. Hope springing eternal with each victory and upset of better teams (before the wheels fall off against lesser teams).

I admit last year I was done. After last year's collapse I said enough. This is bullsh*t. I've been a fool and been taken for one by this organization. We all have. And maybe we still are. So long as they turn a profit every year, which I guess the Jets do, the team is just one part of their portfolio.

But then with Sanchez and Ryan and my dad getting season tickets, like Al Pacino in The Godfather III, I got sucked back in...

And so the wild ride continues. 2009. A year of new beginnings and many endings. I'm glad to be able to share it with so many amazing Jet fans I've met along the way.

Here's to breaking whatever negative energy they suffer from, and to celebrating an eventual championship and parade down the Canyon of Heroes...


Mark J. Williamson


While it may not be of interest to those who know wins are all important, here's some reasons we Jet fans HAVE to have hope for this team beyond long-time loyalty, family ties, and or sheer stoopidity...

Of all 32 teams in the league, the Jets defense ranks SECOND in fewest yards given up, and SECOND in fewest passing yards given up.

And their offense ranks SECOND in rushing yards. IN ALL THE LEAGUE. And yet are 5-6.

They were 8-3 last year and people spoke of the Superbowl before Favre's arm snapped off and he duct-taped it back on without telling anyone (leading to a million losses and no playoffs), and if Sanchez didn't throw 4 or 5 interceptions a game (he only threw one in Sunday's victory thank gawd) they would easily be 9-2 instead of 5-6 and people'd be talking Superbowl again.

THAT'S why this team is so frustrating, and why you HAVE to keep hoping. You just HAVE to.

Mark J. Williamson

Stats mentioned above:

Monday, November 30, 2009


Anyone out there with Sirius Radio, tune in to channel 121 at 12:40pm to hear my interview with Eric who runs the ESPN Magazine show from 12-2pm!

We've been asked to come on and talk about the Curse Breaking Ceremony I'll be conducting (successfully this time) on Thursday night in Times Square outside the ESPN Zone on 42nd and Broadway.

Should be cool. I'm excited. I hear the host is a fellow Jet fan/sufferer. Hopefully if we can continue to help each other out, connecting through this Jets Curse process as a kind of Jets Outreach Program, we can shed our collective blues and radiate some positive vibes into the world and team.

I know Jet nation, myself included, are naturally optimistic. Eternally hopeful. Many are rabid and sure of a Superbowl victory THIS YEAR. (no joke) But we ALL carry that dread inside us. That when things go well - from a 3-0 start with rookie QB/Coach, to any offensive drive with the game on the line - we're EXPECTING the other shoe to drop.

THAT FEELING that we carry deep within, that we smother with excuses, stats, and face-paint, is the negative splinter in our proverbial Jet-paw. (you know what I mean)

I don't know the exact remedy, but collective positivity and feeling more NEUTRAL about such worries when they arise, putting them in check instead of letting them seep from us, may be the key.

From the tens of thousands in the stands to the millions at home across the nation, not letting those feelings permeate the quantum field could do something to help this team while they battle their own uncertainty in the heat of battle.

Crazy you say? Madness? Maybe. But doing something is better than nothing. What's crazy is sitting back year after year and enduring this endless frustration.

TAKE ACTION. Get in the game, Jet Nation. What have we got to lose?

If we try and fail, that's one thing. Know what happens if we don't try? Nuthin'.

Join us Thursday December 3rd in Times Square outside ESPN Zone on 42nd and Broadway. Wear your Jet gear. Get ready to do the J! E! T! S! cheer 3 times in a row. (the full cheer three times, as per curse-breaking instructions), then come have a drink with us and watch the game. (Bar TBD)


Mark J. Williamson


I love the smell of deep fried Panther in the morning. Smells like...


Sweet sweet victory after so long. And after an even longer drought at home.

Oh it feels so good. So OVER-DUE.

My dad and I watched the Jets beat the pants off the Carolina Panthers Sunday 17-6 at the stadium. Should have been 27-6 easy, but I won't get into that. A win's a win.

I tip my hat first to Mother Nature, who cooked up a Thanksgiving Day weekend Sunday that hit around 60 degrees, sported warm sunshine and not a cloud in the sky.

Next I send a HUGE thanks to Peter, Moe, Jimmy and the entire crew out at 16 G for allowing us to share their annual Thanksgiving Day celebration, complete with deep-fried 28 pound turkey.

I've never had deep fried turkey. Nor shallow fried. And MAN was it delicious. Moist, juicy, and bursting with turkey flavor. I'm thankful for you men sharing so much of your time and Jet stories with us, as well as your food and drink. Can NOT thank you enough.

We met old Jet friends and many new Jet fan friends as well, all with passionate tales of Jet life, like Declan and his wife in particular. Thanks for your time.

A great day all around, and more to come. With this victory, and our victory this coming Thursday against Buffalo after myself and 100 Jet fans (including YOU if you'll join me) break the apparent JET CURSE 6:16pm in Times Square @ 42nd Street and Broadway outside the ESPN Zone, the Jets will be well on their way to the winning ways of their first 3 games, and give us a playoff run none shall soon forget.

Some say I'm a dreamer.

But I'm not the only one.

I hope one day you will join us. And the Jet-world will cheer as one...

Mark J. Williamson


Saturday, November 28, 2009


I had tons of fun yesterday playing in Turkey Bowl 2, a game I organize with old friends the day after Thanksgiving.

Despite a slight injury to my right heel bone (so if you see me limping tomorrow during tailgating, now you know) my team was victorious. As my team lost the first annual Turkey Bowl, to win this time was sweeter than canned cranberry-sauce.

I attribute my victory not just to my stellar skillz and play-making ability (I closed out the victory with a sack) but to the Jets gear I wore - the Jets baseball hat my dad got me for my birthday, and my #80 Chrebet jersey my dad bought me a million years ago.

And as I see the Jets are favored to win against the Panthers tomorrow, I feel that the victory of one individual on the field of battle in Jets gear will spark other individuals in Jets gear (the actual team), to victory.

And after I break the curse this coming Thursday to solidify victory over the Buffalo Bills, you'll see continued victories the rest of the year, and a triumphant end to this amazing (if not maddening) 2009.

(What Jet season hasn't been maddening in some way shape or form?)

Until next time...


Mark J. Williamson

Friday, November 27, 2009



(unless you're a Giants fan. Man do THEY suck!)

So what am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?
  • Being able to witness the deep-frying of a turkey at the Stadium this Sunday...
  • That I'll be breaking the Jets Curse next Thursday at 6:15pm in Times Square...
  • That I don't root for the Detroit Lions.
I had a great time with my family this holiday. Hope you all did too.

Until next time,


Mark J. Williamson

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Video 15 - Tailgate Cooking

In honor of Thanksgiving we give you Moe and his low down on tailgate cooking.

I'm pretty sure I can do half (maybe) of the stuff he describes in a normal kitchen. The fact that he does this in a parking lot is more than amazing. Oh, yeah, and his challah french toast is that damn good.

Wayne Earl

Video 14 - Lexa the Curse Expert

Mark meets with Lexa ( the curse expert. A snippet of their conversation & some mystical answers to the Jets questions.

Wayne Earl

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm tired of waiting around for the Jets to fix their (endless) problems. I'm excited to be taking the Jet by the horns and hitting Times Square December 3rd to battle this curse. (In case there IS an actual curse. There's certainly SOMETHING negative going on with this team. Debate THAT I challenge you...)

Sunday's 31-14 loss to the Evil Empire in New England proves more than ever that this team needs help.

When I conducted my first curse removal ceremony solo (with Wayne who had the camera) in Brooklyn on the banks of the East River October 4th, we were 3-1. We had suffered our first loss that day, to the New Orleans Saints after our remarkable 3-0 start to the season.

Since that night, when the Jet Curse put the smack-down on the attempt with 20 mile an hour winds that blew my candle out constantly, the Jets have gone 1-5. Lost games they CLEARLY should have won.

Is it MY fault?

Sure they lost to the Saints that day, but the Saints are 10-0 now. One of the best in the league. Loss forgiven. But the others? They should have won. They came CLOSE to winning (some of them).

SO IS IT ME? Did my failure to eradicate the curse then and there and not repeating it on the next full moon lead to the Jet Curse howling back with a vengeance???

Maybe it IS my fault. I'll take the blame, Jet Nation. And I'm sorry.

But I'm determined to do something about it. For all of us to get off our green butts and stop waiting for THEM to do something; to STOP throwing interceptions, throw a 3rd down pass LONGER than the amount you need for a 1st down, stop committing a FALSE START or HOLDING penalty AT THE START OF EVERY DANG DRIVE.

WE'VE got to take action. And we will.

6:15pm December 3rd, outside the ESPN Zone on 42nd and B'way in Times Square.

With our combined might and positive, loyal, tempered Jet love, we'll shock the vortex of negativity and doubt that have plagued this team my entire life - all our lives - into the stratosphere. Bringing balance to the Green Force and lifting the demons of despair from the shoulders of this team as they prep for battle in Toronto against the Buffalo Bills. The start of a proud, victorious drive to season's end.


I'll conduct the simple ceremony with you and 100 others, then let's deliver a J! E! T! S! that shakes Manhattan Island. Fills the tourists with awe at our passion, the photos and memories of which they'll take with them to the four corners of the globe.



Mark J. Williamson

Monday, November 23, 2009





We've been following the Jets 2009 season closely, and it's proving more than ever that the Jets are one "stopped-up" organization. Talented, exciting to watch, always on the brink of something good, but just can't get it done. For FORTY YEARS they've failed to return to the Superbowl, forty years of spectacular pain.


I'm putting the call out to Jet fans, family of Jet fans, ANYONE interested in helping us LIFT THE CURSE that's been keeping the Jets from becoming a consistently winning team. Please spread the word!

December 3rd, 2009

Times Square in front of the ESPN Zone
(Broadway between 42nd & 43rd street)

I'm going to follow the instructions of curse expert Lexa Rosean who explained a blockage like this needs to be broken at a crossroads, (what better crossroads than Times Square?) and with a gathering of 100 passionate people. THAT'S YOU.

With your help, I'll conduct a brief "ritual of three" to unblock this team, bring them victory against the Buffalo Bills that night, and a Superbowl victory (at some point - hopefully sooner than later).

JOIN US! We need you. I need you. THE JETS NEED YOU. Wear something "Jets", or if you have anything green and white, that'll do. We'll be heading to a local bar afterward to have some beers and watch the game. (starts at 8pm)


Don't believe in curses you say? Then come for fun. The thrill of the moment. For a story to tell. Not to mention be in the documentary! Do you realize ALL JET FANS will remember THIS MOMENT when they win the Superbowl? They'll look back to DECEMBER 3rd, 2009 AS THE DAY THE JETS CURSE WAS BROKEN.

And you'll carry the pride of that success with you the rest of your days.

SO COME ON DOWN! I'll be in my #80 Chrebet jersey. Keep a lookout and say hi.

Look forward to seeing you!


Mark J. Williamson

For more on my previous curse-breaking attempt (failure), check the links below...
Blog -
Video -