Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well folks this is it. Next battle on our improbable 2009 road. Glad we're still on it.

Of the 32 teams in the league, at the time of this entry, there are 6 teams left. That we're one of them is AWESOME. And I'm proud of the team, the organization, and the fans for sticking together and getting it done.

I just picked up my copies of the Sunday New York Times and am so excited to see George Vecsey's article on page 3. Very cool. My mom and dad called to congratulate us and friends and family have been sending their well wishes.

This positive buzz can only help with our mission to help the Jets win a championship. To do whatever we fans (and family and friends of fans) can do to keep up the positive Jet energy. What have we got to lose? Nothing. Sure we've been blasted in the past. Sure we've had our heart broken.

But BELIEVE. Work at it. Get it done. For your own enjoyment and sanity if nothing else. Any Jet fans out there awaiting humiliating doom ain't help'n any. Ain't helping yourself and you're bringing everyone else down with you. Get over it.

What any of us feel about the game may indeed have NOTHING to do with the results on the field of battle in San Diego. Nothing.

Yet I KNOW we all have things we'll do to help them out. (or we know people who do) You wear a certain jersey with a certain number. You wear a certain pair of underwear. My dad bought and flies a Jet flag from his house after having flown a Yankee flag and they won the World Series. My dad and I even switched back to our original seats in Giants Stadium the last few games - I started on the left, my dad on the right, and switching seats to get him away from the old guy with the radio head-phones who kept leaning in on him - the Jets lost EVERY HOME GAME after that. So we switched back, and they've won every home game since.

I was in Sacramento the night of the "Monday Night Miracle" when the Jets overcame a 30-7 score to win 40-37 against the Miami Dolphins, and the friend who's apartment it was, a HUGE Jet fan, placed two things on the top of his TV at halftime. His green New York Yankees hat (the green for the Jets, the Yanks logo for his love of that New York team), and about a 5 inch tall crucifix. And I'm not kidding you that EXACTLY when he did that, THE GAME TURNED AROUND.

Chance? Coincidence? WHO CARES. It made him feel good. Made him feel hope. We all felt it from him. Boosted our spirits for the moment he put it there. And that's all that matters.

You can watch the game soaked in negativity and worry, or get off your butt and cheer against all odds. Your individual experience is up to you. I know which of the two I'll be doing.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope one day you'll join us. And the JETS WILL WIN A FRIGGIN' SUPERBOWL.


Mark J. Williamson

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