Saturday, January 23, 2010


Here we go friends.

Championship eve...

I'm excited.

Watching the analysis on Sportscenter and, I'm feeling even more confident about our chances against the Colts. I'm not getting overconfident here, but I just feel that there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND we can win this game.

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'm tempted to say I feel we can beat anybody left in the tournament. I do believe that. That's not just me being a hopeful, optimistic, lifelong Jet-fan.

The kind of football this team is playing, anythings possible.

And the most exciting part is this: No matter WHAT happens tomorrow, next year WE'RE ONLY GOING TO BE STRONGER.

How's THAT for reason to keep believing.

If they say we Jet fans drank the cool-aid, then I'm guzzling it now...


Mark J. Williamson

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