Saturday, January 2, 2010


Looking forward to tomorrow. We're going by #1 Jet fan Peter's house to see him prep for the game, then we're heading to the stadium to capture this EXTREMELY fascinating evening of events.

What's at stake?

The Jets 2009 season. Win? We're in the playoffs with a shot at the Superbowl. Screw poo-pooing the fact we may not make it cause we're not good enough blah blah blah. Fact is this. You make the playoffs, YOU PLAY ANOTHER WEEK. Everyone else in the league is sitting on their butts or playing golf. You get to suit up. THAT'S COOL.

It's like playing the lotto. Are you certain you'll get the grand prize? No. But you've a chance. Don't buy a ticket? You've got none. And fantasizing about what you'll do with the money is a level of entertainment that's maybe worth a buck in these dark economic times.

So let us dream the chances...

Also on the line, the last football game at Giants Stadium before the wrecking ball hits. The Giants disgraced the building with their hideous loss last Sunday to the Carolina Panthers. It's up to the Jets to salvage the final football experience of the building.

We'll know after tomorrow if it's one more week of hope or shift our energy to next season. No matter the outcome of this campaign, I feel the Jets are headed in the right direction. The thought of this team having the off season to take stock, make amends, beef up, analyze what worked what didn't, and come back strong as heck for their new stadium - is encouraging.

As for this season, I'll be there tomorrow nigh, in the freezing swamp in winter night. Will my dad and I exit Gate A for the last time flush with the warmth of victory? Or chilled with the frost of defeat?

Tomorrow will reveal all.


Mark J. Williamson

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