Monday, January 25, 2010


Been letting things sit.

I'm still disappointed we got SO smoked in the end of the first half, and the entire second half.

Where was the coaching? We got out-coached. Completely. That's the main thorn in my paw right now.

A friend shared a piece of commentary he heard about the game. That the Jets went into the game with momentum. The Colts went in with confidence. Momentum is a lot easier to break than confidence. So true.

But, instead of whining like a little bee-yatch anymore, I'm going to move past it, like it or not, to the good stuff. The silver lining.

In YEAR ONE of the Rex Ryan era, and YEAR ONE of young as hell rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez, WE MADE IT TO THE FINAL FOUR of 32 teams. Not bad at all. In fact it kicks major azz.

Our rookie QB has three huge playoff games under his belt. That's HUGE. And he performed excellently. Made some amazing, key throws when he had to.

We now know what needs fixing for this coming year. Where we were weak, where we can get stronger. Who to re-sign, who to let go, who to pick up.

And I can hear someone busting my chops already about us ALWAYS hoping for next year. ALWAYS looking to pull positivity from the twisted, burning wreck of our hopes and dreams.

Which to that I say OF COURSE we're going to do that. We're JET FANS. And I don't say that cause they always end in failure, I mean we're TOUGHENED by it. We're "seasoned" veterans. (forgive the pun)

Also, hoping a team will be better after playing in the AFC championship game is WAY different than hoping a team will be better after 8-8 and missing the playoffs or 1-15 and wanting to jump off a bridge. HUGE difference. Anyone with a brain can comprehend that.

So it was a wild ride. I thought we'd finish 9-7 at the start of the season if all went well with the rookie coach and QB, and we did actually finished 9-7. (though we lost games I thought we'd win and vice versa). But could I EVER have imagined what came after? Heck no. I don't care how big a fan you are, NO ONE could have predicted this.

But this is the Jets. Who can EVER predict what they'll do? That's part of the charm, the madness. The allure. The agony. The exhilaration. They're certainly an entertaining team to watch. You have to admit that.

Maybe we're lucky all in all to root for such a squad. This organization. This history. These colors. Despite the premature gray hairs they've given me, maybe they've given me more good times than bad.

And maybe the journey every year IS more important than the destination....


And so we look to next year...



Mark J. Williamson

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