Thursday, January 21, 2010


When I was interviewed by ESPN the magazine on Sirius satellite radio December 2nd, before the curse breaking ceremony on the 3rd, one of the two Gary's interviewing me busted my chops about how many other NFL teams have longer Superbowl droughts than the Jets.

Some haven't even BEEN to the Superbowl, let alone won one. Which we have, the 68'-69' season.

To that I say what I've said all along. First of all, I don't root for those teams and so I couldn't give a rats ass how long it's been for them. I root for the Jets. I want my team to win a damn championship in my lifetime so I can die a happy man.

Second. Rooting for a team like the Detroit Lions, a team who have never been to the Superbowl, is EASY. It SUCKS, but it's not difficult. Rooting for a team you HOPE wins but have no expectation of them winning is WAY different that rooting for one that gives you not just hope but REAL POTENTIAL TO WIN and then collapses inexplicably. Year after year. Decade after decade.

And this year defends my feelings. THIS SEASON, the 2009-10 season shows EXACTLY what the Jets have ALWAYS tempted their fans with. The POTENTIAL to be in the AFC Championship game or more.

THIS is the reason we go crazy with this team. Why we stick by them and why we love them. What we keep waiting for. Why our sports loving souls are entwined with theirs forever.

We ALWAYS KNOW they could reach this level. COULD. But they mostly DON'T. And usually by shooting themselves in the foot and leaving that amazing talent and potential at home when they head to the stadium. AND OR having such things as the unexplained five missed field goals by our opponents this playoff season HAPPEN TO US. Or a bad call. A fumble bouncing right to the other team. Etc...

BUT NOW IT'S DIFFERENT. NOW everyone sees what we've ALWAYS SEEN. This does NOT happen in Detroit. Not in Cleveland, though they had a few good years with Kosar back in the 80's. Not with the Cardinals no matter St. Louis or Arizona, as they've only recently gotten good. The Jets have ALWAYS (except for the coach Kotite years where we won 4 games in two years), put players and coaches in place to make this kind of run if they could only get over that hump.

And why after the events of this season thus far, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS SUNDAY AGAINST THE COLTS - I now feel vindicated.

And why I say again, "STOP BUST'N MY CHOPS." Now you get it.


Mark J. Williamson

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