Saturday, January 16, 2010



I was interviewed by the New York Times' extremely talented sports columnist George Vecsey yesterday, and below is the link to the article. Keep a lookout for the spread in the Sunday Times sports section as well!

Thanks for your interest in tracking down our story George, and for your kindness. A pleasure talking with you.

NY TIMES ARTICLE [BACK arrow to return to blog]

For those of you checking out "The Jets Curse" after reading the Times article, welcome and thanks for stopping by.

Hope you can get some of the feel of our Jet-fan experience through my exploration of this 2009-2010 season, one of both great hope (new quarterback Mark Sanchez, new head coach Rex Ryan, last year in Giants Stadium), and the same-old-same-old (not living up to their potential) and why we still love them regardless.

As for the game tomorrow. Big game. No doubt. People are asking me what my take is. Curse removal or not.

WILL the Jets win? I honestly can't say. I can be a bold fan and scream SUPERBOWL HERE WE COME from the rooftops. But I'm a Jet fan. My heart has exploded too many times not to remember the scars of the past.

CAN the Jets win? MOST DEFINITELY. With flawless execution, the Chargers playing sloppy, and a great deal of luck bouncing their way.

This is a game where heart will count for much. Maybe more than talent. In that realm the Jets seem to have plenty. And nothing to lose.

They lose this game, we move on to next year stronger. Excited of what's to come. Chargers lose this game? HEADS WILL ROLL. That's a huge difference when stepping onto the field of battle. Will it matter? We'll know Sunday evening my friends.

And I'll be at "Swig", a bar @ 85th and 2nd Ave. in Manhattan with friends to watch it. We'll have our cameraman/editor extraordinaire Ben with us to capture the experience, and conduct some more fan interviews. If you're in the hood, "swig" by and say hi.


Mark J. Williamson

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