Saturday, January 9, 2010


Here we go, Jet Nation.

I'm excited to watch the game today. Filled with nothing but confidence. Still riding high from the victory last week, it was a great night no matter what the circumstances. As was the Colts game, and every other victory we've won over the last many games.

This team could win today. As I'm an actual Jet fan and not completely mad, I'm aware of past collapses just when our hopes are up.

But there's more hope at stake here than even this campaign. There's the future.

No matter what happens in the playoffs this year, I'm SO excited to see where the Rex Ryan era is headed.

To be in the playoffs year one of his reign, DESPITE Sanchez's learning curve and the teams shaky play during the year - is PROMISING.

And not the promise or hope we fabricate every year when there's actually little there to be excited about. When we HAVE to have something to hang our hat on or we'll go mad.

This current team, built upon from last year, will build in the off season and only get stronger whether we lose today or win the Superbowl.

So THAT'S what I'm feeling today. I'm not even saying this cause I'm protecting my emotions against a loss. I'm feeling up. Positive. Anythings possible. We're the underdog, as we've always been, and I LOVE that. We have NOTHING to lose.

The Bengals, the Colts and everyone else (except maybe the Ravens) have EVERYTHING to lose cause they were held in such high regard this year. No one's thought DOOKEY-SQUAT about us. That's PERFECT.

So here we go. One game one game only. There is no Superbowl. There is no AFC Championship. There is today. And let today be the only day.


Mark J. Williamson

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