Monday, January 4, 2010


Victory. Sweet, complete, crushing victory.

MAN did the Jets beat the snot out of the Cincinnati Bengals as desired. The Jets were ready to rip some heads off, and they did.

37-0!!!! Bengals couldn't even muster a field-goal. Last night was a great Jet victory that I'll never forget, and shall go down in Jet history. Everything on the line. Our whole season. The last game at Giants Stadium.


I'm so happy. I was SO excited to head out to the stadium, despite the freezing cold weather, roam the lot, meet more fans, and meet up with my dad to see which Jet team would show up. Thank goodness the victorious Jets did. The ones who ran the ball more than threw it. The ones who wanted it bad.

Game was over by the end of the first half pretty much. Then, a nice bonus, Wayne, Ben, and fellow camera man (and Jet fan) Dan got to join us in the stadium for the game. First time all year. VERY cool.

One of the coolest moments was being down by the field with my dad at after the game ended, as the hazy moon was hanging over the stadium one last time, and some of the players came out of the tunnel to high-five fans hanging over the 10 foot high wall around the field. Coach Rex Ryan came out too, and the cheer-leaders. (yeah!)

It was a great moment. The fans delivered indeed. As did the players. But to know how cold it was, how windy, and to see that lot full, and the stadium full. It was GREAT. And I'm so happy to have been a part of it and see it with my dad and my friends. A great way to end the regular season, and close down Giants Stadium, our reluctant home, with honor.

Thanks to Wayne, Ben, Dan for all their hard work. Ben and Dan shooting interviews where they couldn't feel their hands, Wayne for organizing and directing the nine hour shoot. (Arrived 3pm, half hour before the parking lot opened, finished up around or after 12 midnight).

To Peter (and his daughter Tiffany), Jimmy, Moe, and all the men at 16G, Jeff and the Jets Bus crew at 16F, Paul from Long Island who flew his sister in from Seattle Washington just to share the game with him, to "The Flag Guy" (and Tie Guy) who served their 20+ crew a shot of Southern Comfort every fifteen minutes to keep everyone warm (following a roar and a JETS! chant) and ALL the fans we met again or for the first time.


Special thanks to Chris and Cory for letting us hang with them as well. It was a great time. Sorry I didn't get to say good-bye. My dad and I were soaking up the confetti and fireworks closer to the field.

What a night. One I'll never forget.

THE JETS DELIVERED BABY! Now bring on the Bengals AGAIN. This Saturday at 4:30pm in Cincinnati.


Mark J. Williamson

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