Sunday, January 24, 2010


About the last thing I want to do right now is blog about this game. I'm a little drained quite frankly. I'm also a letting the mass quantities of beer and "Dirty Sanchez" tequila shots wear off.

But to the Jets performance today, I say this. We got beat by a damn good football team. If anything, the Colts adjusted to what we dished out the fist half (we were winning 17-13 at halftime), but we couldn't adjust to their adjustments. Which SUCKS.

I'm really disappointed. I'm just going to go and say that. I'm already deflecting it by saying all the positives about what they accomplished and all that stuff that's true but in all honesty, I really don't have the energy for right now.

They were a game away from a chance at the Superbowl title, were winning at halftime and then NEVER SCORED AGAIN THE REST OF THE GAME.

And that SUCKS. DAMN disappointing. I'm going to leave it at that. I'll spend tomorrow acknowledging the silver linings to this cloud. I already did some of it at the bar, on camera after the game.

But tonight, it just sucks. Is disappointing. And I feel I deserve to be a little pissed that we had no answer for what changes the Colts made. NO response. Beyond the 2 missed field goals. The Colts walked all over us in the second half. That was hard to watch.

So. Season over. Hell of a year indeed. I'll break it down more in the days to come. Now I need a soul nap to recharge the batteries.

Mark J. Williamson

1 comment:

  1. Seems your friends prediction was spot on. Like scary spot on. And as a fellow Jet fan it doesn't surprise me in the least
